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A quick update because I felt that the last chapter was boring. And my national exams will be starting on the 1st week of April, so maybe I won't be able to update for a while.

But as the COVID-19 is spreading faster in my country now, there's a chance our exams will be canceled. For now, the govt. haven't given any news about that. So let's see. Don't forget to take care y'all. And finally, enjoy this.


It's late in the afternoon when they gather up for the movies. Yeonjun somehow managed to get Beomgyu even though Sewoon is coming. He just wanted them to be on good terms, no need to be all friendly.

Although Beomgyu is a very cheery and loud person, he was silent today. He couldn't even concentrate on the movie. His head still couldn't come out of Taehyun's words. He was fighting this strong urge to go and love the younger and hug him and kis-

"Beomgyu hyung". The sudden mention made his train of thoughts stop as he was washing his hands after using the restroom.

"This is just the beginning. One day, he won't even be friends with you if I told him to", Sewoon snorted over-confidently.

Idiot, Beomgyu rolled his eyes, not wanting to create a drama.

After the movie, Yeonjun suggests that they should eat dinner. Beomgyu admits that he's not feeling really well and he wants to go home. His friends didn't want him to go. But they let him after his constant requesting and of course Sewoon manipulating them. Foolish, he thinks as he sees Sewoon's stupid smirk.

He gets out and finally reaches quite near to his house. But no dear! His legs aren't betraying him. He rushes to the Pink Cafe as fast as he can.


The bell above the entrance chimes as Beomgyu walks in. The place isn't really as crowded as the other days. Maybe, because it's already getting dark.

He looks over the counter to find less employees than the other days. Normally there were 3-4 employees but today it's just Taehyun and the owner. However, his gaze is fixed on the younger. He looks so cute in pink. He loses himself as the younger is staring back.

He can feel his legs forward to his boyfriend. Where did he get the confidence to suddenly cup Taehyun's cheeks in public? The younger's eyes widen. "I missed you, Taehyun" and with that he leans forward forgetting about the whole world.

He blinks his eyes several times before noticing the surroundings. He's still standing in front of the door while he catches the younger suddenly look away. Fuck! Did I just daydream?

But he never came to know that Taehyun also daydreamed the same thing, not only today, often.

He walked to the counter which caught the attention of the owner.

"Hey Beomgyu! How are you doing? I hardly see you these days"

"Hi, Seokjin hyung. I've been busy with school and other stuff", he replies thinking about the last time he came here.

"Of course, you will be a senior within some months. It'll be even harder. I hope things go smoothly", Seokjin smiles and Beomgyu returns.

"Yaa Taehyun-ah! Your friend is here. Come here and take his order," Seokjin smiles once again before leaving the 'friends' alone. But they don't talk for a whole good minute.

"I don't bite, Hyunie. So, stop ignoring me", Beomgyu breaks the silence.

"Weren't you supposed to be at the movies?", Taehyun asks looking anywhere but Beomgyu.

Hold You Tighter | TaeGyuNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ