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It's early in the morning when Taehyun wakes up, weak. He gets off the bed and stumbles, not too hard to fall. He can't let himself be weak. It's the exam week.

He does his normal routine and leaves for school. When he reaches the regular spot, the older isn't there. He did leave messages but Beomgyu didn't see them. So, he walks by himself and when he's about to wait for him in front of his house, he sees a familiar figure in the distance.

It's Beomgyu and who's that? Oh! Shin-ae Noona. They're linking arms and heading towards the school.

"You wish and she gets"

Taehyun scrunches his nose and covers his ears. He decides to walk to school on his own today. But he needs to calm his mind, so he heads to another place first.

When he finally reaches the school, the older is nowhere to be seen although it's pretty late. He sees his group of friends and walks up to them.

"Taehyunie", Yeonjun flings his arm around him while Hueningkai gives him a belly rub. "Why didn't you come with us today?"

"Uhh I woke up late today", he lies. Because when he started walking for the school, tears were welling up and if he didn't let them out at that moment, he would be in a messy state. So, he went to the hill at the back of the school, his favorite spot to calm his nerves, and relaxed there for a bit.

"This isn't fun. Even Beomgyu hyung went on a morning date. And it was only three of us", Hueningkai pouts.

"Mo-Morning Date?", Taehyun asks in a shaky voice, unnoticed by his friends.

"Yes! With that would-be girlfriend of his. God! Listen to everyone's gossip. It's all about them this morning", Soobin adds.

Would-be girlfriend? Taehyun thinks as his heart compresses a little.

Taehyun looked around and tried to hear some. And yes, they are about them indeed. People were really talking about how they never saw Beomgyu being so close to a girl, let alone go on a date. And of course, the people who saw them together were sure that there's something going on between them and they'll soon be a couple. What is he supposed to feel right now?


At lunchtime the whole cafeteria becomes busy, discussing the exams but Taehyun can't see any of his friends.

He then looks around a little more but he has no choice to head back to his class as he has no other friends without them.

Suddenly someone grabs onto his hands, giving him a paper and walks away quickly before he can even see the face.

What is this?, Taehyun thinks while unfolding the paper.

"At our regular, quick", it says. Taehyun sighs but obliges.

He sneaks into the terrace while looking around and shuts the door. Before his eyes find the older, he feels himself pulled.

"Babe! I missed you", Beomgyu pouts while hugging the younger.

"Hyung, where are others?", Taehyun inquires without replying that he missed the older too.

Beomgyu frowns but then shrugs. "Guess they're helping the teachers. I didn't see them in the cafeteria earlier", he speaks while pulling away.

"I see. What is it? Why did you call me here?", the brunette finally wants to know.

"Uhh Taehyun. It's about us...I don't know how to say it", Beomgyu stands straight, looking anywhere but at the younger.

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