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 "H-How long are you going to treat me like a friend when we're actually dating?"

Beomgyu immediately comes over to Taehyun and grabs his arm, shaking it lightly.

"Hush! Taehyun, why did you say that out loud? What if someone heard you?", Beomgyu glanced here and there even though the path wasn't even filled with people yet.

Before Taehyun could say something they heard a familiar voice coming towards them.

"Yaa Taehyun-ah! Why are you crying? Beomgyu, what did you do?", Soobin sounds worried.

"Uhh I got something on my eyes and Beomgyu hyung was trying to help"

"Okay, let's get going then", Hueningkai says while wrapping an arm around Yeonjun as he gets his hair ruffled by the older.

The five of them walked towards the school. All of them lived in the nearby neighborhoods. Yeonjun and Taehyun lived in their own apartments and Soobin, Hueningkai and Beomgyu lived with their parents. The school was within walking distance so the five of them always walked together. People always stared at them for two reasons. First, all of them are damn good-looking. Second, they're all from different years.

Yeonjun is in his senior year, within a few months he'll be graduating from the practical dance department. Soobin, a 2nd year student, also in the same department as Yeonjun. Beomgyu, another 2nd year student, in the composition and production department. Taehyun joined as a 1st year student a few months back in the vocal department and Hueningkai who joined along with Taehyun, in the instrumental music department. So people would always think about how they even got along with all those different years and classes. Surely they were all busy but they always made time for each other.

During their walk to school, the 4 of them usually jumped around and bicker with each other. Taehyun was content with watching them have fun. This is what surprised the people most. How does a person like Taehyun hangout with them!? But nonetheless, in this high school, people didn't ridicule him for his personality, rather they appreciated his talents.

The five boys reached the school and walked together until they had to separate for their classes. The classes go on, as usual, several assignments, surprise tests and all. And it is finally lunch time. Their favorite time to hangout and eat lunch together. Today they decided to take different ice creams each so they can share.

"Taehyun-ah", Beomgyu called while offering a spoonful of his ice cream."You had from everyone. Take some of mine"

"I don't like chocolate, hyung", Taehyun said as normally as possible because he didn't want the other to get the wrong idea but he really didn't like chocolate.

"Aahh please take it for my sake?", Beomgyu cutely blinked his eyes making the others scrunch their nose but Taehyun keeps his request.

"Eww gross! I would vomit on that face", Yeonjun said disgustedly making Beomgyu roll his eyes, "You just don't say that I'm cute".

"Guys shut up! I've something important to say", everyone perked up to listen to Hueningkai as he turned to his left, "So Taehyun? You don't like anyone at this moment, do you?"

At this Beomgyu almost choked on his ice cream. "Hey careful!", Soobin reaches for water while patting his back.

Taehyun slightly glances at Beomgyu knowing that the older would be offended if he says the truth. "No, I don't have anyone in my mind", he says instead. Beomgyu's breathing hitches at the statement but he reminds himself it's not true.

"It's great then!", Hueningkai claps his hands together. Despite there is a little bit of disappointment in his voice which is unnoticed by the four, he finally says, "Well, there is someone who's a little bit interested in you"

At this, the four of them looked surprised. And Beomgyu can feel a knot in his stomach. Taehyun again glances in Beomgyu's way and notices the uneasiness. "Naah, I'm not interested", he bluntly states.

"Yaa Taehyunie!!! At least get to know each other. I know you have your own reasons but how long are you going to be alone? And this guy...he has been talking about you for a while now", Hueningkai pouts.

"Uhm, I don't think it's a good idea beca-"

"YES same here. I also think it's a bad idea. Why force him if he doesn't want to?", the words on Beomgyu's tongue slip out really fast before even Soobin completes his sentence.

The others eye him for his weird behavior and he laughs like an idiot while scratching his neck but only Taehyun knows the reason.

"I just...don't want to, Kai", Taehyun says swallowing a spoon of his strawberry ice cream.

"Taehyun", Yeonjun finally speaks, his hand resting on Taehyun's shoulder. "Look I've known you for a long time now. You never talk to others besides us. If someone is really making the first attempt, you should give them a chance at least. What do you think, Soobin?"

Beomgyu was still quiet. First attempt,huh?

"Yes, you are right. But I still have concerns", Soobin's voice came slow.

"Of course, Soobinie. I understand that Taehyun is like a little brother to you. But he's such for me too. I will always want what's good for him, just like you"

"Soobin hyung! No one is saying they should start something right away. They can get to know each other and if things don't work out, it's okay. Making a friend is harmless", Hueningkai sounded like he wanted this scene to end as soon as possible.

"Besides Taehyun wouldn't make a boyfriend without you approving him, right?", he gave a mischievous laugh while looking at the brunette.

Taehyun looked up to Beomgyu, who's eyes were completely fixed to his finished ice cream cup as if that was the most interesting thing in this world, melancholy visible in his face. He smiled and nodded 'yes'.

"Okay so, what's his name? Does Taehyun know him?? How handsome is he? We need someone really charming for our Taehyun. What about his height? He needs to be taller than my Taehyunie okay?", Yeonjun bombarded his questions which caused Soobin and Hueningkai to facepalm but someone was still quiet about the whole topic.

As the bell rang at that moment, Beomgyu sighed in relief. He can finally breathe out of this stupid conversation where his best friends are literally trying to set up his boyfriend with some other shithead.

"Aaah we can talk about the details later. By the way, I wanted to talk about something more important. Come over to my house tonight. My parents went on an overseas trip so we have the whole house for us", Hueningkai chimed ecstatically.

Before Yeonjun and Soobin jumped out of joy Beomgyu snapped, "You should've said this earlier without wasting the whole time talking about some stupid friend of you crushing over my Taehyun" Beomgyu's eyes widened at his last words and Taehyun's were about to drop off.

A moment of silence passed by them just everyone staring at Beomgyu.

"Aahh I mean o-our Taehyun", Beomgyu mentally slapped himself.

"That's not it, Beomgyu. We know you love Taehyun as much as we do but that's not a way to talk to Hueningkai", Soobin pointed out.

Huh?  Beomgyu thanked the heavens that they just let it slide because yeah they knew him as the-straight-one.

"Apologize right now to Hueningkai", Yeonjun gave a scolding.

"Aish, it's okay hyung", Hueningkai smiled, never actually feeling bad of Beomgyu's words.

Beomgyu however apologized and promised to buy him a plushie which made the youngest content.

The five of them spent the rest of the remaining day just as normal and went home all together to prepare for the night. But some weren't on good terms yet. Hmm.

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