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Without coming up with a word, not even in their minds, everyone just stares blankly at each other. Only the sounds of doctors rushing from here to there and others' muffled discussion are audible in the background.

"Wh-What are you even saying?", the tallest finally breaks the silence after what seems like ages.

"I'm sorry", Beomgyu whispers in a hoarse voice as more tears form in his eyes.

But nope! Soobin is definitely not having it. Jolting towards Beomgyu, he makes him stand by pulling his arm, his boyfriend instantly tells him to calm down before he pushes the ash-blonde violently against the wall.

"Explain", the raven-haired grunts. "Explain everything before I lose my mind"

Beomgyu just stares at him, fear visible in eyes. He has never seen Soobin this way. Sure, Yeonjun and even Hueningkai are trying to free him from the grip but at this moment, Soobin is unmoveable. They have seen Soobin being calm and shy, but never did they ever thought that someone like Soobin could hurt others.

"Open your mouth, Choi Beomgyu!", Soobin suddenly screams while gripping the slightly shorter's collar, making everyone's mouth shut before a nurse comes out of Taehyun's room catching their attention. And Yeonjun immediately goes to interact with her.

"How's he? Can we see-"

"Your friend is in such a critical condition and you guys are here making a fuss. Can't you please talk a little quietly? This is a hospital and there are some rules to follow", the nurse snaps, eyeing the riot.

"Hyung!.....Hyung, please leave him", Hueningkai immediately moves Soobin away from the ash-blonde but his glare never disappears.

"Please!", Beomgyu rushes to the nurse. "Please let me go in for once", he pleads with begging hands as his eyes wells up. "I promise, I won't d-disturb. I really need to see him"

But his actions make Soobin's blood boil. Yanking away his hands from Hueningkai, he stomps towards the ash-blonde to grip his arms harshly and make him turn, almost stumbling. "You aren't going anywhere"

The nurse looks at them in a stupefying way, as if they didn't even get a word what she said and of course, she was about to give another scolding before she gets cut by Yeonjun.

"I'm so sorry about the mess", he bows as the youngest quickly pulls the other two away. "We will talk slowly. What about him? He's okay, right?"

"We can't tell anything right now. His body is still not reacting to any of our actions. His ribs and legs are hurt pretty badly and he has lost a lot of blood. If anything doesn't work by the night, it might be bad news", the nurse answered with a sad expression before her frown grew. "So please be quiet". She quickly went in leaving the boys' tensed.

They stand there and watch through the small glass attached to the door. There is their small Taehyun, lying all helpless. A few days ago, they were planning to shower him with love and makeup to their mistake as they didn't consider his tiredness. And now, They're watching him fight between life and death.

Out of nowhere, Soobin grabbed Beomgyu by the wrist and started walking towards the veranda. Thankfully, verandas in hospitals are never crowded. Yeonjun and Hueningkai also quickly trail behind.

"Now tell me", Soobin doesn't even show any mercy before throwing the ash-blonde forward, hard enough to make him trip.

Beomgyu takes in a deep breath and stands to his feet before he starts.

"We've been dating for more than a year. We didn't tell anyone because...", his voice breaks.

"Because what?", Soobin barks, not even wanting to cut slack for the ash-blonde.

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