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Beomgyu is so busy in his thoughts that he doesn't even notice that it's already lunchtime until someone calls out his name loudly.

He quickly skips through the hallways and ends up at the cafeteria, taking a seat next to Yeonjun today. Sewoon is not here even today. Loser learned his lesson, Beomgyu thinks biting down on his sandwich.

Their semester break is nearing which means exams are too. Soon everyone is going to get busy with studies. So they're trying to stick together as long as they can, especially Yeonjun because it's his senior year.

The five boys enjoy their time as the whole cafeteria fills up with students. Talking loudly, laughing and sounds of eating are what everyone was listening until a voice called.

"Kang Taehyun"

The voice came so loud that almost everyone turned their heads to see a very confident looking Sewoon standing right there and soon the cafeteria fell in silence.

Taehyun's eyes widen and he looks around to only find people staring at him. This is too awkward. Even though his friends were equally shocked, Beomgyu is the only person who's glaring at Sewoon.

"Let me tell you that I don't watch a lot of movies so I don't know clichés but I will do it clean and straight", Sewoon confidently stated from the doorway staring right into Taehyun's eyes, girls fangirling at his actions.

"I've liked you for a while now. If you ask me the reason, well there's a lot actually and the list may not end", Sewoon walks towards Taehyun and stands in front of him. "How about we go on a date?", he held his hand out. "How about we get to know each other more? If things work out which I'm pretty sure it will then I want to be your boyfriend", Sewoon kneels and smiles at his last words. Taehyun can only stare at him as he tries to process the information.

Yeonjun smiles widely, Soobin's condition is just as Taehyun, Hueningkai is trying to fake a smile and Beomgyu is absolutely fuming.

The whole cafeteria goes wild with bittersweet discussions and comments.

"Yaa Taehyun! What are you looking at? Say yes"

"Eww, those gays! Let's get out"

"Say yes, you nerd. I bet you never received a proposal before"

"Oh my God! That was so cuutee~"

"Good looking, tall and smart. You both make the perfect couple"

"School isn't a place to be homo, go get yourselves a room"

"Why that nerd? It should've been me" -was all heard in the background.

Taehyun startled everyone, including Sewoon by standing on his feet and taking Sewoon by his arm. He needed to get out of there.

"Aigoo~ they won't kiss in front us" says someone and the cafeteria goes on with their predictions about the 'couple' which makes Beomgyu's belly twist.

"Gosh, that was so cute! Sewoon came in like the confident gay. Taehyun should definitely say yes to him", Yeonjun giggles before the ash-blonde stands up with a loud sound of chair screeching the floor.

"Wait up, Gyu. Where are you going?"

"The scene was too gay for me. I need air", Beomgyu abhors while answering Soobin, displeasure visible, before making his way out of the place, heart skipping beats after beats.

"I don't know why but I've got a feeling that Beomgyu hyung just got jealous", Hueningkai innocently says looking at Beomgyu's way.

Soobin perks up at the question and throws another, "What? You mean you think Beomgyu likes Taehyun?"

"Pfft. There's no way! He's as straight as Taehyun's hair, maybe more than that. He just doesn't like Sewoon, that's it", Yeonjun waves his hand as if removing their doubts, "Besides, Beomgyu has someone in his mind", Yeonjun smirks.

"Really? Whoah! He never spoke to us about that", Soobin states in a curious tone.

"Yes, I know. He's too shy to. He is head over heels for her. And they really make a good couple", Yeonjun chirps at the thought of Beomgyu and this 'someone'.

"If you say so", Hueningkai shrugs and Soobin nods.


"Taehyunie wait, we're already far from the school building okay?", Sewoon says panting as he's been dragged. Taehyun didn't even say a word the whole time.

They were on the backside of school when Taehyun finally stopped.

"Why did you do it, Sewoon?", Taehyun's voice is colder than his normal one.

"What? I told you! Because I like you. And I want to be your boyf-"

"Stop", Taehyun doesn't even want to hear that.

Sure, Taehyun wanted Beomgyu to claim him as his boyfriend and come out, tell their friends, tell his own friends about them. But it's just Beomgyu and him only. He never liked the limelight and of course, Sewoon did something Beomgyu would never but Taehyun really didn't like it. He was still thinking of how hurt Beomgyu was when he saw this happen and had no choice but to sit and watch.

Except he did have a choice but Taehyun knows too well that he wouldn't even consider it so let it be okay?

"But why, Taehyun?", Sewoon's voice came desperately. "Am I not good looking enough? Do I lack any of the qualities you seek in a lover?"

"It's not that, Sewoon. I just don't want a relationship right now", Taehyun assures while patting his shoulder.

"Then what is it? And I'm not telling you to form a relationship right away. We can get to know each other, as I said. I want to know more about you. I want to learn your secrets and insecurities", Sewoon comes forward and holds Taehyun's hands in his which the brunette immediately takes back.

But he knows that Sewoon's words make sense. Sure two single people hangout and date each other, it's normal. But Taehyun isn't single and he would've tried to give a chance if he was. He truly has no other reason to reject this guy because he's truly a good person and he really deserves the love back.

"Please, Sewoon. I-I just can't do-"

"Why is it so? Tell me, Taehyun!?", Sewoon aggressively holds Taehyun's arms, eyes glistening.

Taehyun takes a deep breath. "Because I like someone else", he finally speaks startling the male before him.

"No actually, I love someone else. I love him with all my heart. And I can't, I just can't think about anyone else", Taehyun admits, looking away from the boy.

Sewoon stands there looking at his feet, tears start to fall but he manages to speak. "Who is it?"

The question makes Taehyun nervous and he looks at Sewoon. "Uhh I-I can't tell you abo-"

"Is it Beomgyu hyung?"

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