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Apparently, everyone's exams are over except for the 1st year students. So their vacations started early. Today was the last exam for them as well.

As Taehyun is a genius, he did quite well despite the tiring turmoil of his mind. But yeah, his appearance was getting wearier as he couldn't sleep these days. They just won't let him.

He knew his best friend Hueningkai had to go to his Art & Crafts club for some small paperwork and had some practical instrument tests left, so he had to walk home alone today. He starts walking past the hallways but then stops when he feels a hand on his shoulder. And when he turns around, a frown takes place in his face because he didn't expect the person.

"So? How are you?", Sewoon greets with a smile and Taehyun just nods before walking again. He knows exactly why Sewoon is here and so he tries to walk faster. But the other quickly catches him up.

"You know why I'm here! Why are you denying something so visible, Taehyun?", Sewoon fumes as he stands before the smaller so that he can't escape anymore.

"What are you talking about?", Taehyun snaps, gazing anywhere but the taller.

Sewoon reaches forward to grab Taehyun by his arms and gives him a little shake to look at him. "I'm talking about Beomgyu hyung. Stop dreaming about him already. Why can't you just see he's totally forgotten you? He is straight as you told me earlier and he is done with eyeing you all the time as I told you", he emphasizes. "Stop hurting yourself by waiting for him because it's never gonna happen"

"Stop dreaming" "You're not worth it"

Taehyun shuts his eyes for a second. And then moves the boy's hands from him, it may seem rude but he could care less.

"I don't care if I'm dreaming. If it's about Beomgyu hyung, I can hurt myself a thousand times, every day. So, stop bothering", he sputters but not too loud. And he walks away leaving Sewoon to look at his way with hurtful eyes.

Little did they know that there was a curl head staring at them with a slight frown from a classroom not too far away. Although he couldn't hear the conversation, he was sure that the air surrounding them was too bitter.

"Kai-ah", Doyum nudges lightly to tear the stare. "Why don't you just tell Sewoon that you like him?" His question makes the taller gasp and shush him at the moment his crush enters the classroom and greets him with a soft smile before walking to his seat.

"He likes Taehyun", Hueningkai whispers. "He even first talked to me to find out about Taehyun. I can't just butt in. I've to wait for the right time", he sighs. And Doyum can only shrug at the love triangle.


Taehyun finally walks out of the school building. He took out his earphones earlier and put them on to ignore the world because everyone was just too busy gossiping about how they saw Beomgyu and his 'girlfriend' here and there.

But someone catches his attention when he walks out of the school gate.

Shin-ae Noona? What's she doing here?

Her eyes meet his and she waves her hands enthusiastically before flashing a bright smile and of course, Taehyun returns. She then walks up to the younger quickly.

"Noona! What brings you here? Beomgyu hyung's exams are over and-"

"Silly", Shin-ae cuts him off and ruffles his hair. "I'm not here for Beomgyu today, I'm here for you"

"M-Me?", the younger asks, surprised.

"Beommie needed to help his mother with something and finally allowed me to hangout myself today. I said I wanna go shopping. Well, you see I am planning to go back to Daegu but there are some matters I need to solve here", she shyly looks away.

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