Fine Not Fine

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"Taehyun?", he calls, softly knocking at the door.

Beomgyu pouts, furrowing his eyebrows before noticing the door's already opened.

"I'm coming in, okay?", he asks, intaking a deep breath and pushes it slightly.

Walking in, he's met by a dark room. It's bigger than Taehyun's room in his apartment. A bed with pillows and comforter arranged properly which had dragon ball z prints on it. A balcony on one side, a window on the opposite; the walls are covered with posters of different music bands. He takes a look at the cupboards and wardrobes which seem old. The whole room gives off the vibes of a middle schooler. And then his eyes travel to the study table near the window.

More specifically, the sleeping figure with his head amidst his arms on the table.

White curtains flailing and the moonlight seeping through the windows make the boy's stunning visuals stand out. Although he's lost a little weight and gotten paler, Beomgyu still can't help but be endeared by his handsomeness.

Chest beating rapidly, he approaches with light steps.

"Taehyun-ah?", he calls but he can clearly hear the soft snores. Of course, as Yoongi said, he doesn't want to disturb the other's sleep but he should be sleeping in the bed comfortably, right?

He puts his hand on Taehyun's back and taps lightly. "Hyunnie, you're gonna get a sore neck if you sleep here"

As he still doesn't get a response, he presses his lips into a thin line. He really can't leave the other here like this. And so, without further delay, he takes Taehyun's one arm to fling over his neck after crouching down to slide his own arm under Taehyun's knees while his other hand rest on his side to hold him closer, carefully hoisting him into the air.

Oh no! He's gotten so much skinnier, he thinks as he walks and places him on the bed. Taehyun groans and snuggles towards him. Beomgyu chuckles, taking in the familiar scent of the other's soft brown hairs, blush appearing on his cheeks.

With Taehyun still holding onto him, he takes a seat next to him, hitting his back in the stacked pillows and pulls the boy closer, face buried in each other's neck, making him feel a little ticklish.

"Such a baby you are!", he whispers before kissing the top of Taehyun's head, swaying slowly. "I'm really sorry, bub"

For some moments, he stays like that. He could stay in that position for the whole night if he didn't feel a little watery in the neck area, making him startled.

Is he... crying?

Beomgyu gingerly lifts up Taehyun's face to soothe him to not cry but the situation here is different and his heart drops to the pit of his stomach.

A thin scarlet stream is flowing from Taehyun's nose and looking back at his shirt where the latter's face was placed, he sees small blotches of red.

Panic– is the first feeling that envelops Beomgyu. He carefully looks back and forth, he touches the other's nostrils gently, only to confirm his doubts.

"T-Taehyunnie...", he shakes the sleeping figure.

What should I do? What should I do? WHAT SHOULD I DO?

He lightly taps Taehyun's cheeks, not wanting to hurt him further and speaks a little louder, "Tae please, wake up please"

Taehyun's eyes slowly open and a scowl instantly appears as he jolts away from the older.

"What are you do-"

"Don't move", Beomgyu grips his arms, making him flinch. "Tae, your nose... it's bleeding"

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