Yellow Petals

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First, Thank you so much for supporting me and my work. I got lost on my tracks and wasn't confident of my story because someone inboxed me saying that my story didn't make any sense. I was so upset and unsure that I wanted to unpublish it. But y'all showed me so much support that I HAD to change my decision. This is the first time I'm trying writing and I worked on it for a while. It took me a lot of courage to even publish the first chapter. And I thought I just couldn't do such injustice to my story and my readers (who actually love it) by leaving it unfinished. I'm a strong girl and I won't back out!

Second, Beomgyu suggested the song 'Dandelion' by OOHYO and it's stuck in my head since the time I first heard it. I just had to add the masterpiece in my story. Thanks to him for this and the singer is also really talented.

Third, asdfghjklqwrypbcoutw TAEGYU went live together after straight three months. Bish, I missed them so much. I cry T_T

Enough of my childish ranting, now enjoy.


Taehyun couldn't speak or move for a while. Thank god the break lasted longer than he expected. But he had to come out of that little bathroom stall sooner or later. And that was reminded to him when his phone vibrated, notifying a new message from Seokjin, telling him the break's almost over.

He took deep breaths and let his body relax before coming out of the stall. He washed his face properly before preparing to leave. He starts to walk but then bumps into someone.

"I'm sor-"

"Taehyun-ah! Uhh how are you doing lately?", the ash-blonde asks, making the mentioned boy look up to him. And before he can shove the younger away, Taehyun hugs him tightly.

"I missed you, hyung"

"I missed you too hyunie but you shouldn't be hugging me like that. Someone might see us", Beomgyu pats his hair light without hugging him back.

"I don't care, hyung. I need you by my side right now", his eyes well up.

Beomgyu grabs Taehyun's arms and makes him stand straight.

"I know. Please wait for a little. Right now, it's too unsafe. And why were you staring at me like that back then? Hyunie, I told you not to do that. You weren't looking away so I had to send you off. We could've been caught", the older sighed. Taehyun just stares at him blankly for some minutes.

"I'm sorry", he quickly apologizes and walks out of the washroom leaving the older by himself.

"Come on, Beomgyu!", the ash-blonde mumbles himself, facepalming. "He was also missing me! I should've at least hugged him properly"

And the fact that he landed here on the washroom was because he was actually looking for a certain brunette as he was going crazy for the vanilla-caramel scent, just remained untold.

He waited there for some moment to curse himself for being so chicken to even hold his love in a closed area. How can they get caught in a washroom, for God's sake? But still, the thought stung in his mind and he just ended up hurting Taehyun, once again.

Beomgyu's train of thoughts stopped when he heard Seokjin's voice in the mic, announcing that Taehyun is going to perform now. He could hear the music tunes hitting and he quickly went out to see Taehyun seated in a bar stool, glowing under the golden lights with a mic stand in front of him in the middle of the café. He slowly walked to his seat ignoring all the sound, eyes glued to the beautiful brunette. And then, his ears were blessed when Taehyun leaned forward to start, locking eyes with him.

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