Again and Again

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[A/N]: I'm so so so sorry for updating late hehe. I was very sick hence, I had to take some rest. So, I merged two chapters and updated them as one and longer. Enjoy...


As per Taehyun's insistence, they stayed in the park's lake area for a while, before deciding to head back when it's already dark and receiving a call from Yoongi to check if they're okay.

To their way home, they walk in silence. But this time Beomgyu wraps his arm around Taehyun's waist as they lean close to each other.

"Taehyun-ah, I've to ask you something", Beomgyu confesses when they're standing right in front of Yoongi and Jimin's door.

"I know what it is"

The ash-blonde looks up from the ground with a bewildered expression. "You d-do?"

Taehyun hums. "I want to think over my answer tonight, so I'll tell you tom-"

Taehyun gets cut off when he sees the sad pout on Beomgyu's lips, his heart clenching at the sight. "Hyung?" He calls but the older doesn't look up from their intertwined hands.

Taehyun chuckles amusingly. He waits for Beomgyu to show any reaction but the said boy doesn't so, he clicks his tongue before grabbing him by his tie, pulling closer and pressing their lips together for a brief kiss.

Beomgyu stares at him with dazed eyes, unable to process when Taehyun pulls away, chuckling again as he notices the older's blown expression.

"You kind of know my answer though!" He whispers against Beomgyu's lips but when they chase him again, he moves away, giggling.

"Hey, I didn't get to kiss you back!" Beomgyu protests with a frown.

The younger snorts. "What are you talking about? Back in the park, you were the one who started it"

Beomgyu huffs defeatedly. "Fine!"

"Goodnight then?" Taehyun tilts his head as he takes the plushie from the older.

"Yeah, goodnight"

There appears the sad pout once again. Taehyun tugs his hand but the older is unconsciously holding onto his fingers tightly, still not ready to let him go.

Taehyun rolls his eyes. He would be lying if he said Beomgyu wasn't the most adorable person he's ever seen and that pout just enhanced his adorableness but he still found himself asking,

"Just one kiss, okay?"

Beomgyu instantly beams up with sparkling eyes and Taehyun holds back himself from cooing, his lips pressed in a line but cheeks turn pink.

The older wastes no time and cups Taehyun's cheeks, more than ready to close the gap.

"We're watching you though"

They hear a loud shrieking voice before Taehyun slightly pushes Beomgyu away from him, the latter clears his throat and looks back at the source of the sound.

"I'm g-going inside, bye"

Taehyun quickly rushes into the house, shutting the door before the older can even say anything.

Well, what was he expecting when he had the most crackhead people as his friends?

In Soobin's balcony, the three of them leaned to the railing, eating snacks as if some movie was going on, their hyungs glaring at the youngest for ruining the moment.

With slumped shoulders, Beomgyu too heads in.

"Yaa! How much did you guys see, huh?" Beomgyu yells, his skin burning up.

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