grayson has autism too

Start from the beginning

"Grayson and Blakelyn are perfect just like John, Paisley, Ensley and the triplets are. Websites say that if a family has one child with autism, the chance of the next child having autism is about 15%. But PK and I did not look at that and be like oh no, we can't have anymore kids because of this and we didn't analyze Grayson and Ensley as they grew to look for signs of autism." Mike says to the vlogging camera.

"Right! We just let Grayson and Ensley grow into little kids and we didn't worry 24/7 if they were autistic because we have a daughter with it. I think that's dumb to be like that. Just let your kids grow! All kids are different so you can't overanalyze everything. But of course you should look and make sure they are hitting milestones and such. Both Blakelyn and Grayson hit milestones great!" PK says to Mike and the vlogging camera 

"Mhm! Blakelyn and Grayson hit their milestones right on track!" Mike says as he fixes his hair.

"And I think that's why we didn't recognize that Grayson was showing signs of autism until his two year old checkup we had right before his second birthday. His pediatrician noticed a few things and she wanted him evaluated for autism. She was like he is showing some signs of autism but they are subtle compared to Blakelyn and we said okay let's do it! We didn't cry or anything like that! We just got him evaluated and we were determined to get an answer and to get Grayson the help he needs if he needed it!" PK says as he fixes his man bun.

"And if you cry about your child having autism, I think that is very normal. It is normal to grieve all of the ideas and dreams you had about your child's future but just because your child is autistic that doesn't mean that those dreams can't happen. Nobody expects their child to be born "different". Autism is a huge spectrum, so it is a lot involved with it and every child if different. Just because Blakelyn and Grayson are both level one, some of their signs were different and some were the same. It just depends on your child. So please don't Google things and scare yourself unless you have a diagnosis from someone who is specialized in autism." Mike says and PK nods in agreement as he rubs his baby bump.

"Blakelyn and Grayson's autistic signs are pretty similar but there are some differences too. Honestly looking at Blakelyn's evaluation and Grayson's evaluation they are very similar but yet so different." PK says to the vlogging camera.

"Some differences between the two are that Grayson really likes to play alone. He is playing alone right now actually but he doesn't mind that Ensley is sitting next to him which is good. Most autistic people hate having other people around them while they play. Grayson also trouble with loud sounds and bright lights. Blakelyn just has trouble with some sounds." Mike says to the vlogging camera.

"The big thing that is different between Blakelyn and Grayson is that Grayson had a speech delay and Blakelyn didn't have a speech delay. Blakelyn was talking up a storm at this age and Grayson is just now talking and getting his voice." PK says out loud.

"Grayson is also very shy too. He won't just go up to anyone and talk. But Blakelyn loves to try to talk to people." Mike says and PK nods.

"Yeah! Blakelyn was actually really ahead on her speech compared to Paisley and John were at the same age we noticed Grayson's speech delay. Grayson didn't really talk at sixteen months old so we had him evaluated at Early Steps which is a program to help children with any type of delay and they just said he had a speech delay at the time. Yes, they didn't see the signs of autism. No, they aren't bad people or dumb for not seeing them. Some people just don't see the signs and that's totally okay! Grayson is diagnosed now and he is getting the services he needs just like his big sister is." PK says and Mike nods.

"Honestly, I think they missed the signs with a Grayson because they were so focused on him having a speech delay and that Grayson didn't stim a lot at the time. But now he is stimming but not as much as Blakelyn. However, when he was getting evaluated, Grayson kept analyzing the toy cars wheels and the lights in the room and that is a sign. A lot of autistic kids, not all of them, love to look up at lights and they love to play with wheels and that's when the evalulator knew that Grayson was on the spectrum along with other things." Mike says as Poppy sits on his lap.

"And after she talked to us and we showed her some videos of Grayson doing movements which were his stims, we just didn't know that at the time, she confirmed he was on the Autism spectrum and that he is a level one like Blakelyn is. And we said okay what type of help does he need and we made a plan just like Blakelyn has!" PK says.

"Grayson has some different stims then Blakelyn does and I think that's why we didn't realize he was on the spectrum too. Blakelyn just a flaps her hands, jumps up and down, taps her fingers together and sometimes lines up her toys. But with Grayson, he flaps his hands, stares at lights and he sometimes lines up his toys, usually his cars! He taps the back of his ears and he spins things around too." Mike says as he pets Poppy.

"But a lot of those things John did and he isn't on their spectrum. John loved to line his cars up like LA traffic and play with the wheels! That's how he got a car stuck in his hair!  Autism signs can be tricky! Sometimes things might be a sign but also "neurotypical" kids do it too." PK says to the vlogging camera.

"They say it is harder to diagnosis a girl with autism then a boy but once again everybody is different and everybody's signs are different too!" Mike says as Poppy yawns

"Blakelyn and Grayson have similar traits but you can't assume things until they are evaluated by a professional who knows what to look for. Mike and I aren't autism experts. We are just parents of two autistic children and we are here just to help them and advocate for their needs." PK says proudly and Mike nods in agreement.

"So Grayson will have speech therapy to help him catch up with his speech and to help him not mumble. He will also have occupational therapy to help him with his fine motor skills and to help him not be as clumsy but I think that's a genetic thing!" Mike says as he chuckles.

"Yes! I am clumsy too! That might just be a genetic thing!" PK says as he giggles at Mike.

"Grayson is already doing so well with speech and occupational therapy and we are so proud of him!" Mike says as PK nods happily.

"Papa! Did you say my name?" Grayson asks Mike.

"I did! Do you wanna sit with Daddy and I?" Mike asks Grayson with a smile.

"Uh huh!" Grayson says as he happily runs over to Mike and PK, sitting on Mike's lap.

"Say hi to the camera, buddy!" PK says as he fixes Grayson's hair.

"Hiiiiii!" Grayson says with a big cheeky smile.

*Grayson's outfit with green shorts*

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*Grayson's outfit with green shorts*

"Do you like your speech therapist Ms. Darlene?" PK asks Grayson.

"Uh huh! She nice and fun!" Grayson says as he taps his ears.

"She is nice and fun! She is helping you learn words!" PK says to Grayson and Grayson giggles.

"What about your occupational therapist, Ms. Ava?" Mike asks Grayson.

"Uh huh! We pway!" Grayson says happily as he plays with his ears again.

"That's right! You two play a lot of fun games!" Mike says to Grayson.

"Yeah!" Grayson says as he giggles.

"Let's all tell them camera bye bye!" PK says with a big cheeky smile.

"BYE BYE!" Grayson says as he happily waves goodbye.

"Don't forget to smile!" Mike says as he picks up Grayson and tickles him.

"Because it is worth it! Bye guys! We love you and we will see you all next time!" PK says as he and Mike both wave goodbye to the vlogging camera!

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