Epilogue Part 2 | First Date

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Deku's Pov.

  "Where do you want to go?" Deku asked.

  "There's a mochi shop not too far from here," Uraraka told him, "We could get some and then bring it back to the cherry blossom tree."

  "Sounds like a plan," Deku smiled at her.

  'I understand now. It's not that our relationship is ruined, it just changed.'

  The bought the mochi and went back to the cherry tree.

  "You know... I was really scared of confessing to you," Uraraka admitted.

  "Me too, but why is that for you?" Deku asked.

  "Well... I was scared of rejection... but even more scared of Villain Deku," Uraraka explained.

  "Why were you scared of him?" Deku questioned.

  "It's just that... In my first dream... Okay, let me start from the beginning," Uraraka tried, "The truth is, in those nightmares the first dream, I was dreaming of confessing to you. Here actually, at this cherry tree. I was about to say it, but then Villain Deku cut me off and I already told you the rest. That's why I was especially scared."

  Deku blinked in surprise. He didn't realize that at all!

  "Wait... you told me that Toga kept appearing in your dreams... Why is that?" Deku was even more curious now.

  "Hehe... Villain Deku said that he liked Toga..." Uraraka explained awkwardly.

  He felt his stomach churn. It made him feel kind of sick that she told him that.

  "That's disgusting and awful..." Deku said. He shouldn't have asked at all... He usually didn't say anything anyway, so why'd he have to ask this time.

  "I didn't know what to think. It was horrible. By that point I was on my knees and in tears..." Uraraka confided.

  "I would be too," Deku reassured to, "You shouldn't have to go through that ever again. You deserve better.

  He ate one of his mochi.

  Deku felt Uraraka hold his hand. It felt... right. It was nice. It still made him blush though.

  "I'm glad that you're here," Uraraka leaned on his shoulder. It made his face flush more. She was just so close...

  Her hair smelled nice... Kind of like flowers.

  'No Deku, that's just creepy...'

  He turned away from her a little bit.

  'I hope no one's spying on us...'

  Deku sighed when he heard rustling in the bushes and the face of Ashido.

  'They're never going to leave us alone, so it's probably best that we ignore them...'

  He heard Uraraka yawn.

  'She must be really tired from not sleeping...'

  "Go to sleep Uraraka," Deku told her, "I'll wake you up when we have to go back inside."

  "Thanks Deku..." he heard her whisper before she completely fell asleep.

  Her breathing went to slow, deep breaths. It seemed peaceful, but he needed to look after her. No, protect her.

  'I know that she doesn't see me as a villain, but I 'm still wondering how Villain Deku is a thing...'

  Deku sighed, he really didn't want to know.

  'I wonder what she's dreaming of... and whatever it was, he hoped it was a good dream.

  His eyes started to droop and he yawned. He didn't get much sleep last night...

Uraraka's Pov.

  "Villain Deku, stay away from me," Uraraka hissed at him. She stayed calm, but at the same time, not really...

  "Just because you and the other me confessed to each other doesn't mean that I'll leave you alone," Villain Deku had a crazed look in his eye. He took a knife out, "And now it's time for your end."

  "No it isn't," Uraraka told him confidently, "I'm not as afraid of you as before!"

  "Doesn't make a difference to me!" Villain Deku laughed again.

  He tried to stab her a couple of times, but she dodged each one.

  She punched him. Like, a solid punch.

  But then he smiled evilly. What was he planning?

  Soon a force from her side tackled her away.

  'What... was that?'

  "Uraraka! You almost got stabbed in the stomach! Be more careful!" Deku encouraged her to be more safe.

  "Deku!?" Uraraka exclaimed, then grinned mischvouvously, "I thought you were going to wake me up when it was time for us to wake up, what are you doing here?"

  "Hehe... I kinda fell asleep... but look on the bright side! You're alive!" Deku smiled at her.

  "Yeah... that's great and all... but could you get off of me so that we can move away from Villain Deku?" Uraraka asked, blushing hard.

  "Oh yeah! Sorry!" Deku apologized, getting off immediately and helping her up.

  "Great... you're here," Villain Deku sighed, "Well, it doesn't change my objective!"

  He started laughing in a crazed way again.

  'Why didn't he go away?'

  "So... Do you know why he's not gone yet?" Deku asked her.

  "Not at all..." Uraraka sighed.

  "I got you now!" Villain Deku suddenly appeared behind her!

  Uraraka flinched, waiting for the pain, but never felt anything.

  She looked up

  Deku got stabbed through the chest, and she could see the tip of the knife sticking out through his front.

  Deku's eyes widened as blood spilled out.

  "D-Deku?" Uraraka stuttered, and started crying. The tears poured down her face. She hadn't meant for this to happen!

  "Guess I'll try again the next time you fall asleep..." Villain Deku sighed, and then the world faded away.

  "Deku!" Uraraka woke with a start and looked over to Deku, who was panting. Panic shot through her.

  "Yeah?" Deku responded.

  "Are you okay!? We need to get you to Recovery Girl right now!" Uraraka stood up and started pulling his hand.

  "No Uraraka," Deku smiled at her.

  "What do you mean no!?" Uraraka tugged harder, "You're going to die! We need to go now!"

  "What are you talking about?" Deku asked, "The dream only-"

  "That was no dream! It was a nightmare! We need to go!" Uraraka pleaded, tears spilling down her face.

  "I'm not hurt!" Deku told her, "The nightmare only scared me."

  She stopped trying to pull him away.

  "What? Are you sure? Turn around," Uraraka did not want to take any chances.

  Deku stood up and turned around and there wasn't any blood.

  She sighed in relief, he really wasn't hurt...

  "So Uraraka..." Deku started, turning around, "I know this is bad timing, but-"

  Uraraka kissed him on the lips.

  She pulled away.

  "Does that answer your question?" Uraraka asked, but he was passed out...

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