Chapter 73 | Sero is Forever Alone

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Deku's Pov.

   "Wake up Deku!" Uraraka shouted, and shook him a lot.

  "W-What happened?" he was kind of afraid to ask...

  "You..." Uraraka looked away, "fell unconscious..."

  Deku kind of wanted to disappear.

  "Well..." Uraraka started, "I got our stuff back, so we can go tubing or wake boarding like the other three."

  She handed him his trunks and nudged him to start going down the stairs.

  He was almost glad she did that, he needed to be by himself and think for a little while...

  'Why do Hagakure and Ashido do this?'

  Deku took a deep breath and then sighed.

  'I didn't even think about Uraraka at all, she must be feeling really embarrassed too! I'm an idiot... I didn't even apologize for that yet! I just... fell unconscious... and didn't say anything to her...'

  He felt guilt weigh him down.

  'How long do you think she was waiting there for me to wake up?'

  Deku felt more guilt pile on him.

  'She might still have to change though, so I should get going soon.'

  After he was done changing, he walked up the stairs and switched places with Uraraka who went to change.

  "So what are we going to be doing?" Deku asked as they pulled out a board with shoes attached? And a big tube that you couldn't actually sit in, it was flat and had handles.

  "Wake boarding and tubing," Ashido told him.

  "Wait, you let them come with us?" Deku gestured at the girls.

  "Why not?" Kaminari shrugged.

  He sighed.

  Soon, Uraraka walked up the stairs.

  Deku blushed and turned around. She had a lot of skin showing and it made him a little uncomfortable.

  "Wait..." Uraraka looked and the tube and board, "I thought we were going swimming!"

  "Well, we still can, but right now we're wake boarding and tubing," Hagakure explained.

  "Okay..." Uraraka looked a little disappointed.

  "We can go swimming first though," Kaminari suggested.

  It made him feel a little bad (and maybe jealous) that Kaminari was the first to think about Uraraka's feelings.

  "Yay!" Uraraka jumped off the side of the boat into the water.

  Deku ran and jumped off the side too, just a different part so he didn't hurt his friend.

  "Hey!" Uraraka giggled when he splashed her, and she splashed him back.

  He swam away, and watched Uraraka follow him.

  Deku didn't activate One for All because there was no purpose and he didn't want to hurt anyone.

  Soon, everyone else was swimming too.

  Deku and Uraraka continued splashing each other, but the next time he swam away, she yanked his foot back, kind of like that pool party except the roles were reversed.

  He didn't let any air escape though.

  After a little while, they went back on the boat.

  "Let's go tubing and wake boarding now!" Ashido suggested enthusiastically.

  "Okay, I'll set up the wake boarding first," Sero told them, and soon it was ready.

  "Can I go first?" Kaminari asked.

  "Sure," everyone nodded.

  He put on a life jacket first, then jumped off the back of the boat and swam a good distance away.

Uraraka's Pov.

  She didn't know what wake boarding was... and she didn't know much about tubing either...

  Toru was recording everything on her phone.

  Kaminari swam out and did something (?) with the board and held on to the rope with the handle before giving Sero a thumbs up.

  Soon, the boat started, and she didn't realize it, so she stumbled forward.

  Deku caught her.

  "Are you okay?" Deku asked, he was blushing a little bit.

  'I'm so stupid, I should have sat down...'

  "Yeah..." Uraraka blushed a little bit.

  They sat down on one of the seats.

  Wind whipped past her face and made her hair blow everywhere.

  She turned to the back of the boat to watch what Kaminari was doing.

  He wasn't directly in the back, but almost completely on the side, but soon after it looked like he leaned to the side, and moved in that direction before doing a jump when he got to the foamy part (?) to the side and going to the other side of the... foam? What was that called?

  It was really cool! He must've practiced that a lot.

  Uraraka looked over to Jiro, who had an interested glint in her eye.

  'But is it about the wake boarding, or Kaminari himself?'

  Of course, anyone looking at her would think she was bored out of her mind, but she could tell.

  After her did this weird sign her did, motioning his hand slicing his neck, Sero noticed and stopped the boat.

  "My turn!" Mina put her arm in the air.

  She started off the same way as Kaminari (except no jumps), but then a little bit later, she fell over.

  Jiro went, but fell right away, and then Sero went. He was just as good at wake boarding as Kaminari, but no one was really as interested.

  He also did that slicing neck signal and Kaminari stopped the boat.

  "How did I do Toru?" Sero looked at her.

  "Okay I guess..." she responded.

  "Mina?" Sero looked at her.

  She was studying her nails and pretending not to hear him.

  "Jir-" Sero was cut off.

  Kaminari sat next to her and put his arm around her shoulder.

  "Please go away," Jiro didn't make any move to get him away from him.

  "What ever you say Kyoka," Kaminari took his arm away.

  She glared at him, and then punched him in the gut.

  "Ow!" Kaminari put his hands over the place she punched.

  "Don't call me that," Jiro had a menacing voice, but Uraraka knew what her friend was really feeling.

  "You should go next!" Mina pointed at Deku.

  "W-What?" Deku looked a little surprised, "I've never done this before..."

  "But you've been taking mental notes about how to do it this whole time," Mina guessed.

  "Fine..." Deku sighed.


Author's Note: This story has over 1K comments!  I was really surprised when I saw it...

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