Chapter 89 | If Only You Felt the Same Way About me as I feel about you

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Uraraka's Pov.

  She heard someone knock at the door.

  "Let's hope it's not Mineta..." Momo sighed.

  Uraraka stood up and started walking toward the door.

  "Yeah, we're all here, so it has to be one of the boys," Mina pointed out the obvious.

  'Why do I hope it's Deku?'

   She looked through the hole in the door, but didn't see anyone, so she opened the door and looked around.

  The was a box on the ground.

  She picked it up. It was cold, and she found a note.


  Uraraka took a closer look at the box and realized it was mochi.


  She read the note again and blushed.

  "What is it?" Toru asked.

  "Uh..." Uraraka tried thinking of a good lie while hiding the mochi behind her back, "Probably just a prank or something."

  Mina walked up to her and took the mochi from her hands.

  "So where did you get this then?" Mina stole the note from her other hand and started reading it before smirking, "Oh, I get it now."

  "Can I have some, ribbit?" Tsu asked.

  "Y-" Uraraka was cut off.

  "No, it was from Midoriya," Mina has a mischievous glint in her eye.

  "Never mind, ribbit," Tsu smiled.

  "He was just being nice, there's no reason t-" Uraraka was cut off again.

  "She probably texted him something and then he went down to the common area himself to get it," Momo guessed, and then she passed the note on.

  'Well, there's no use in stopping them now...'

  She grabbed the box of mochi and ate them.


  Uraraka smiled. Deku was so kind and thoughtful!

  She blushed a little bit. He had gone out of his way to make sure she was happy.

  "Someone looks pleased," Mina teased. Uraraka looked back up at her friends. They were all staring at her.

  She yawned.

  'I need to make sure I don't fall asleep...'

  "Okay, well anyway-" Uraraka was about to say something very important, but was cut off.

  "Don't be changing the subject!" Mina interrupted.

  "But-" Uraraka tried.

  "No buts, you need to confess to Midoriya," Mina didn't beat around the bush...

   'This conversation went from zero to a hundred in a matter of seconds...'

  "Um... Well..." Uraraka stopped herself and sighed, "The truth is, I was already thinking about it..."

  "Really, ribbit?" Tsu looked shocked. No, they all looked shocked.

  "It might be the only way-" Uraraka stopped herself. They would probably go into a state of panic if she finished that.

  "Only way of what?" Jiro asked suspiciously.

  "Er... Nothing..." Uraraka lied. She didn't like lying to her friends...

  "Ochaco, if something's going on, please tell us," Momo looked a little concerned.

  "I-I..." Uraraka tried. She failed...

   "Yeah, I don't want anything bad to happen to you, ribbit..." Tsu told her.

   "Well, if you don't tell us now, I'll just ask Midoriya and tell everyone else here," Mina threatened.

   "N-No!" Uraraka would rather tell them herself, "The truth is... Villain Deku might kill me..."

Deku's Pov.

   He couldn't fall asleep... He couldn't get up yet... He couldn't stop thinking about Uraraka... He couldn't visit her... What could he do?

  'I could keep writing in my notebook... Or... I could write in that notebook...'

  Deku took out the notebook and started flipping through the pages.

  He had filled most of them with writing about where Uraraka had been kidnapped and a couple other things. He flipped to the pages where he left off. A lot of them were scribbled out because he was still trying to figure out how to confess to Uraraka... 

  'She's just so amazing... And I'm just so...'

  Deku took a deep breath and sighed, closing his eyes. He could only see her face... Her brunette hair and chocolate eyes... cherry lips... rosy cheeks... He couldn't get her out of his head!

  'I can only hope she'll still want to be my friend at the end of this...'

  Deku started writing down ideas.

  None of them seemed to be what he wanted though...

  'She really likes mochi... I could always ask her if she wants to come with me to the mochi shop not too far from here... and then I could explain to her how I really feel.'

  Deku could imagine the moment, it would be nice, but then he sighed when he got to the part when he confessed and she turned him down.

  He rested his head on his arms and felt his eyes droop a little bit.

  'Don't fall asleep yet... I'm onto something, I just need to think into it more... What would I wear? Should I bring a gift with me for her? What if we took a different route for some sightseeing? Maybe we could go see a movie too? But we'll be in a public place, what if someone I know hears and tells everyone? Well, everyone in the class besides Uraraka knows anyway...'

  Many thoughts swirled in his head all at once! He could barely process them all... 

  'Uraraka... If only you felt the same way about me as I feel about you...'

  Deku yawned.

  'Maybe it would be best just to go to bed... if I lay down for long enough, maybe I'll fall asleep eventually... hopefully...'

  Deku got up turned the lights out before trudging over to his bed. It felt like a long distance, but it was actually only a few feet...

  He flopped into the mattress and turned to his side.

  He closed his eyes, hoping to get some sleep, but the only thing he saw was... Uraraka's face when she was getting stabbed!

  Deku sat up immediately and felt sweat form on his forehead.

  'This is going to be a long night...'

   He started to lay on his back slowly and get used to seeing Uraraka in pain... But he knew that he never would. Deku could only feel like he was the one who felt the pain and try his best to avoid nightmares...



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