Chapter 17 | His Weak Spot

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Uraraka's Pov.

  Uraraka felt someone push her into another portal. She didn't open her eyes. There was no point. No one was coming to save her. 'Yet.' went her positive thoughts, but she pushed it away with a small sigh.

  She could feel the temperature change around her as the floor became harder than in the last place she was in.

  Everywhere hurt still, feeling all her cuts and bruises more somehow. It was sore, and some of them might have been a little infected from the dirty ground she was forced to lay on when they drew her blood to most likely give to Toga.

  'I can't go out this way...'

  'It's not like you have a choice.'

  She heard voices, but couldn't make them out. Her hearing wansn't the best at the moment.

  'Maybe I should at least see where I am...'

  She opened her eyes slowly. Black mist was all over the room, making her already horrible vision even worse. She saw who she thought was either Tomura Shigaraki or Warp Gate standing holding something red in their hand, facing the door.

  It was weird... Why was the room so... familiar? It wasn't like she had been there, more somewhere that reminded her of somewhere... but where?

  She could just see someone skip into he room... they looked like a female with short brown hair and chocolate brown eyes... Did she know someone like that?

  'It's me! Or, at least someone who looks like me...'

  The next thing that popped into her head made the most sense.


  She couldn't make out the voices still, but she could kind of tell who they were coming from.

  Her vision cleared, and she could tell who was talking.

  Toga started whining and then a villain that she thought was called "Tomura Shigarako" shoved the red thing in her hand.

  The black mist faded a little and she realized what the room reminded her of.


  They were meeting here for who knows how long because she couldn't tell what time it was.

  She could just see a figure by the door, though it strained her vision a lot.

  They figure had tufts of green hair sticking out of what she thought was their head.


  How did he get here? What if he got hurt? 'I would never forgive myself if he got hurt because of me...'

  She looked back at the doorway and this time, no one was there.

  'Of course it was a figment of her imagination. No one was coming to help her.

  She closed her eyes once again, and waited for someone to push her into the next portal so her surroundings would change again.

Deku's Pov.

   Once he saw the imposter Uraraka skip away, he ran to the class using a shortcut he knew of.

   'I'll save you Uraraka, no matter what it takes,' Deku thought, remembering Uraraka's scratched body tied up. He thought he would have cried seeing her like that, but he needed to be strong for her.

   The villains knew his weak spot... Uraraka. They knew that if one of them were disguised like her... They knew...

   He kept rushing back to the classroom and then walked in, just in case Toga was already there. She wasn't, but he was very cautious in case she was there. He slowly walked to his seat and then sat down, looking around the room at the girls that were there.

   They noticed how he was acting and nodded.

   Class felt like it was an eternity. Slow and boring. It was like time went slower.

   As soon as it ended, he ran up to the teacher, and noticed the girls were there too. Uraraka had skipped out of the classroom.

   "What is it now..?" Eraser head muttered in a bored way.

   "Yeah, what's up Deku," Ashido asked frantically.

   "S-Something happened when I followed Uraraka," Deku stuttered fearfully.

   "Don't tell me you followed her into the bathroom..." Eraser Head mumbled.

   Deku's face lit up red.

   "N-No! Of course not!" Deku covered his face.

   "Actually, that wasn't Uraraka at all," Deku looked up at the teacher.

   His eyes widened a little.

   "Not here, tell me in my office," Eraser Head told them, "And you guys are dismissed," he pointed at the girls.

   "We noticed she was acting weird too!" Ashido protested.

   The rest of them nodded.

   "Fine... You can come as long as you're not making trouble..." Eraser Head spoke in an annoyed way.

   They followed him to his office.

   "Midoriya, explain what happened," Eraser Head prompted him as everyone sat down.

   "Well, I followed her out of the room and noticed that she wasn't going towards the restrooms," he started, "she went to this room I didn't really recognize and I watched what was happening. I-I saw Warp Gate and Tomura Shigaraki."

   The girls gasped.

   "Go on," Eraser Head ordered him.

   "They-They brought Uraraka out all scratched and tied up with ropes," he continued, he didn't care if he sounded scared, "Shigaraki gave who I suspect is Toga a bottle of Uraraka's blood, and told her to meet him there at the same time tomorrow, which was around the middle of class this morning."

   Everyone was silent for a while. No one said anything for at least thirty seconds.

   "You are dismissed," Eraser Head pointed at the girls, "Midoriya stay here."

   The girls nodded with scared faces.

   "Oh, and don't tell anyone," the pro hero told them, "we don't want this getting out."

   The girls nodded again, and left the room.

   "Midoriya," Eraser Head turned to the to-be hero.

   "We need to tell the rest of the pros here."

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