Chapter 92 | Results of Those Dares

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Deku's Pov.

  He started to feel a little better after helping Uraraka, kind of like part of the weight was lifted off his back.

  'Maybe I could try to get some  more sleep... I still have at least an hour until I actually have to do my routine.'

  Deku walked up the stairs to his dorm room.

  Kaminari's door was wide open, and he was standing at the doorway.

  "Hey Midoriya?" Kaminari beckoned him over. It appeared he was inspecting a small object in one of his hands.

  Deku walked over to him.

  "What is it?" Deku asked him.

  "Did you see anyone here a couple minutes ago? Or... do you know who this belongs to?" Kaminari opened his hand more to reveal a sparkly yellow hair clip.

  'It's a hair clip... looks like it was Uraraka, Momo, Mina, Tsu, or Toru's... maybe even Jiro's. Why would he have a possession of a girls?'

  "It looks like one of the girls's hair clips," Midoriya was really confused, "What about it?"

  "W-Wait, really!?" Kaminari looked taken aback.

  "Er... who else could it be? Do you know anyone in this class that's not one of them that wears hair clips?" Deku asked the obvious question.

  "Let me tell you what happened," Kaminari started, "Someone knocked on my door while I was sleeping, and I looked at the time because it was probably really late or really early. After I got out of bed, I opened the door to find that no one was there... but someone must've because I found this."

  He pointed at the hair clip again.

  "I'm not sure who's it is, but I could-" Deku was cut off by Kaminari.

  "No, I'll ask the girls tomorrow!" Kaminari blurted.

  "Okay... but don't be a Mineta about it," Deku told them, "They really don't like it... and if you don't believe me, you should see what happened to him."

  "Er... what happened to Mineta?" Kaminari asked.

  "Follow me," Deku beckoned him.

  The it wasn't far, but it was around the corner.

  "Kaminari! Help!" Mineta called.

  Kaminari ran over to Mineta.

  "What happened to you buddy?" Kaminari asked.

  "I'm not sure! Just get me down!" Mineta was crying.

  "I'll go find some scissors, just wait here!" Kaminari told him.

  "I guess I'll help," Deku sighed.

  They started to walk away.

  "How did that happen?" Kaminari wondered aloud.

  "Uraraka told me that they set the trap, banged on his door with a book and then ran around the corner when Mineta opened his door so that when he looked to see if anyone was there, he'd fall," Deku explained.

  "Yeah... I won't make the girls mad..." Kaminari promised, "Except maybe Kyoka."

  "She's probably going to do the most damage to you, I wouldn't do it if I were you," Deku tried.

  "She's cute when she's mad, it'll all be worth it in the end," Kaminari told him, patting his shoulder, "and you're not me anyway."

  After finding some scissors, they released Mineta and Deku went to sleep.

Uraraka's Pov.

  She returned to her room at the same time her friends did.

  "So, who's the lucky guy?" Uraraka asked.

  "You'll never guess!" Mina told her as Tsu shut the door behind them.

  "Who?" Uraraka thought out loud.

  "Kaminari!" Mina spilled the beans.

  "What!?" Uraraka was pretty surprised, Jiro was always punching and hitting him, it made no sense! 

  'Well... they do say opposites attract...'

  "It's true! We saw it all!" Toru held out her phone with a video on it.

   "Hey! I never said that you could record that!" Jiro's face was red.

  "And you never said anything against it either," Toru argued.

  Jiro just scoffed and muttered things under her breath.

  "I won't post it anywhere though, don't worry," Toru told her, and then mumbled something under her breath. It didn't exactly sound exactly bad... but kind of like a side note for later maybe.

  "What about me? You post everything about me and Deku!" Uraraka huffed.

  "You're only the top of our list, that's all," Mina explained.

  Uraraka sighed. There was no escaping this.

  "Truth or dare Toru?" Jiro asked in a non enthusiastic way.

  "Dare I guess," Toru replied.

  "Take off all your clothes, knock on Ojiro's door and scare him," Jiro instructed, "while being filmed.

  "Ugh... fine..." Toru took her clothes off and then they all followed her with their phones out. It looked like Tory wrote a note though and bring it with her before leaving.

  "So..." Uraraka asked on the way to Ojiro's dorm room, "What item did you drop?"

  "It was... a hair clip from my parents. They told me to wear it in case I ever get tired of my bangs," Jiro told her and then sighed, "I didn't particularly want Kaminari to get his hands on it though..."

  "Understandable," Uraraka nodded her head.

  "Shh, we're here," the invisible girl shushed them.

  The girls (besides Toru) hid behind a corner and started filming.

  Toru knocked on his door.

  "Hagakure, is that you..?" Ojiro was rubbing his eyes, so he couldn't actually see her that well, but then it looked like he realized that she wasn't wearing anything, "W-What are you doing so early?"

  "Er... boo?" Toru tried, but then ran away, leaving the note she wrote from earlier.

  They all ran away together.

  "Hehe... I didn't realize it was going to be that awkward until I got there..." Toru chuckled nervously as she started to put her clothes back on.

  "At least he didn't comment on the fact that you weren't wearing anything, ribbit," Tsu looked on the bright side.

  "Yeah..." it looked like she was nodding, but you really couldn't be sure.

  "That's weird..." Momo mumbled.

  "What's weird?" Mina asked.

  "The fact that Ojiro could tell that it was Toru standing there when he wasn't even looking at her," Momo told them.

  "That is weird..." Jiro trailed off.

  "Maybe it's because you spend you much time around him," Mina smiled mischievously.

  "You might not be too far off, ribbit," Tsu jumped into the conversation, "you each smell a little different, it varies on what shampoo or conditioner you use, or perfume, or other strong smells."

  "Interesting... but  I don't want to think about that too much, let's just get back to truth or dare," Toru avoided the conversation.

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