Chapter 9 | Ashido Shows Her Dark Side and Ruins the Game for Deku and Uraraka

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Deku's Pov.

  Tsu spun the bottle and it landed on Ashido.

  "Oh no..." he heard some of them say.

  "Too bad for Midoriya," went around.

  "I-Is something wrong?" Deku asked them. He was actually kind of worried... What was going on?

  "Well, for starters, Mina is literally going to give you something you'd hate or be really uncomfortable with, and then every time she gets to go she is going to slaughter you the same way..." Kirishima whispered to him, "I know from experience..." Kirishima chuckled awkwardly.

  Ashido didn't look up, she was vigorously writing something with an evil smirk really fast. He was dead meat...

  With every word, she just smirked more and more. 

  Once she was satisfied, she smirked at him again, and showed everyone on her side what it was.

  "But he only just started to play truth or dare," Sero looked like he tried to reason with her. Ashido just glared at him. She actually looked kind of frightening.

  Uraraka glanced at it and her face turned bright red. She turned her gaze to Deku, and turned even more red, almost crimson when she made eye contact with him.

  Seeing her blush, made him blush a little, so he just smiled awkwardly.

  Ashido handed him the piece of paper and he felt like his eyes were about to pop out of their sockets! Why did she do this?

  The boys who had yet to look at it took a peek and they eyeballed it with surprise.

  "D-Do I really h-have to-" he was cut off.

  Ashido wrote 'YES' in big letters and smiled mischevously.

  Before he could comprehend what was happening, Momo was creating rope and Ashido squished him and Uraraka together to tie them.

  Deku felt heat rush to his face, and then he looked down to Uraraka who was crimson too. 

  Ashido heaved them over to the next room, leaned them against the wall, turned on the light, and left.

  They sat for a while in silence while.

  'Why is this happening to me!? I understand now why Ashido wasn't the right person for me to choose for the truth or dare... We're so close! Why did I agree to this?!' He would have buried his face in his hands, but they were tied! He couldn't even hide his embarrassment!

  "D-Deku?" Uraraka tried.

  He snapped back from his thoughts and blushed harder. 

  "O-Oh, s-sorry, w-what is it?" Deku was a literal stuttering mess!

  "If you want, we can talk about my recent behavior," she spoke softly and quietly. Her blush faded away and her new expression was full of guilt and sadness. His blush faded and and he felt sad too.

  "Y-Yeah, it would h-help pass the t-time," he agreed while still stuttering.

  "So, yesterday, I heard you speaking about me..." she started, tears formed in her eyes,"You-You said, 'At the least don't tell Uraraka,' am I not trustworthy? Why couldn't I know? Then I saw everyone nod, and it broke me. Who could I trust? It-it seemed like everyone had betrayed me..."

  "Don't cry," Deku told her, he wished he could wipe them off her face."Y-You don't understand what happened. I swear it wasn't something bad!"

Uraraka's Pov.

  "Don't cry," Deku looked like he was about to burst in tears too, "Y-You don't understand what happened! I swear it wasn't something bad!"

  Relief filled her. She looked up at him. There was still a weighing question though: What if he was lying? Deku normally was honest though...

  "Are-are you lying to me?" Uraraka was being cautious.

  "What do you think?" Deku asked her.

  "I don't really know what to think..." she started, "I want to trust you..."

  Deku caught her eye, and in his gaze, there was a pained and hurt expression.

  "I would never lie to my best friend. Never. I promise. I would never want to hurt you. Emotionally, physically, or verbally. Remember that and never give up on it," Deku spoke to her with no stuttering. He smiled his signature Deku smile that always reassured her.

  She nodded and smiled a real smile.

  For a while longer they were just smiling.

  Uraraka would have hugged him, but her hands were literally tied, so she just leaned on him for a second.

 Realizing the situation again, she pulled away and heat went to her face. Looking to Deku he must've had the same thoughts because his face was crimson too.

  Her feet weren't on the floor and Deku was probably was holding them up. Uraraka guessed he slipped and lost his footing.

  Uraraka fell facing him on her side. Somehow they blushed harder.

  Deku looked like he was on the bring of fainting like she was.

  "W-Well, let's w-work together to-to get up," Deku suggested after a while.

  "Y-Yeah," she answered after a while. 'This is really embarrassing... For both of us...' Uraraka thought. 

  "Okay, I'm going to prop us up, you need to try to coordinate with me to stand," he explained his plan.

  They had to try a few times. It was actually really hard to do. Standing up with another person at the same time because you're tied together.

  The last time, they nearly got it! But then it made the sitation worse because Uraraka fell on top of Deku. They blushed harder than last time.

  Deku looked like he fell unconscious. 

  The door opened and she just asked, "Please help..." she looked back to see Momo.

  Uraraka's face was already flushed red.

  Momo giggled.

  Her friend came over and untied them.

  "How did you get like that?" Momo questioned her suspiciously.

  "Deku slipped..." Uraraka told her.

  "Hmm, okay," Momo didn't believe her.

  "Oh, and Deku has more trouble coming for him," Momo said.

  "You've got to be joking..." Uraraka trailed off. She looked into her friend's eyes, but they were serious.

  "No joke, MIna's waiting for Midoriya to give him another truth or dare," Momo recalled.

  She sighed, it would be a long night.

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