Chapter 60 | Explanation

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Deku's Pov.

  Deku and Uraraka walked out of their tent. They were even holding hands... Luckily no one really noticed because they were afraid of the situation at hand.

  Deku blushed the slightest bit, but not too much because he was doing this for his friend that needed him.

  "Will you tell us what's going on now?" Ashido asked. She glanced at their hands, but it looked like she was going to ask later.

 'Thank you, Ashido...'

  "Yeah," Uraraka nodded hesitantly, "I will..."

  She sat next to Deku on one of their benches.

  Uraraka trembled so much... It broke his heart into millions of pieces, watching her suffer so much...

  "That... was the third time I had a nightmare like that..." Uraraka started, "Every time... I see something... something... that would never happen, but..."

  She couldn't speak. Tears poured from her eyes, so many.... It was... horrible watching his friend suffer so much.

  Uraraka turned to him and hugged him.

  Deku hugged back understandingly.

  "I've never seen you so shaken..." Hagakure hugged her.

  Everyone looked so concerned, and he couldn't blame them. After all, he felt the same way.

  After about a minute, Hagakure walked back to her seat. 

  "Deku... could you..?" Uraraka looked up at him.

  'It was just a dream, and this is for a friend...'

  Deku nodded.

  "In every nightmare she's had..." Deku started, "they always have a... different version of me..."

  'This is harder than I thought...'

  "What do you mean?" Kirishima asked.

  "A... A villain version," Deku managed.

  "What?" everyone gasped.

  "He- He always saves me at the end though," Uraraka looked like she tried to smile, but she couldn't.

  "What do you mean by that?" Yaoyorozu questioned.

  "Deku comes, but in a hero costume to help me out of whatever trouble I'm in," Uraraka explained, her voice was a little more confident, "But then... the other Deku, Villain Deku, always comes and they start fighting each other..."

  "Huh?" Everyone just looked confused.

  "So then there's two of him..?" Kaminari looked really confused.

  "What the-" there was a beep coming from Bakugo, "-! There's way too-" another beep rang out, "-many of him already!" 

  "There's the villain version of Deku that tells me I'm pathetic and useless before pulling out his villain outfit... and then I always fall into trouble... while Deku always saves me from trouble. But then, both the Deku start fighting..." Uraraka finished.

  'She thinks of me as a hero already!'

  It made him his heart soar that she thought that about him. Uraraka didn't use the title 'Hero Deku', so that meant that she thought of him as a hero how he was!

  Deku blushed, even if she didn't mean the compliment, it still meant a lot.

  "I would never say you're pathetic or useless," Deku promised quietly to her so no one could hear him.

  'I just want her to stop suffering... I wish I knew how to help stop this...'

  "I know," she mumbled back, "It was just a dream."


Uraraka's Pov.

  It made her blush that they never let go of each other hugging yet, but it also made her feel so safe. Deku was so gentle, but it was also like nothing could break it. His hugs were so caring and understanding... She didn't want to let go...

  Soon, the girls were pulling her away from Deku.

  Uraraka felt disappointment fill her. She didn't want to go...

  "Aww, why did you do that?" Uraraka asked them once they were out of everyone else's earshot.

  "We want to hear every detail of your dreams, especially because there's probably things you didn't even tell Midoriya," Mina insisted. She was right about that last part though. Uraraka obviously didn't tell Deku the parts about how she was going to confess or anything.

  "Okay..." Uraraka nodded, "If you really want to know."

  "We do!" they all looked at her expectantly.

  "Well, in my first one," Uraraka started, "I was going to confess to Deku in front of the cherry tree...."

  "If only you'd do that in real life, ribbit," Tsu sighed.

  "He came and he said something about how we've been friends a long time," Uraraka ignored Tsu's comment, "and I was saying that was what I wanted to talk about. And that was when he cut me off and said that he didn't like me back, and started saying that no one would ever..."

  "He would never actually do that," Momo patted her shoulder.

  Uraraka nodded and continued, "Then he started saying how useless and pathetic my quirk was, and that I could never be a hero..."

   "He wouldn't say that either," Toru comforted her.

   Uraraka nodded her head again.

  'Why are my friends interrupting so much?'

  "And then he said that he loved Toga," Uraraka felt a little confused at that part, but continued, "and then she appeared beside him and then Deku glitched out of existence, just for a moment, before coming back in a villain costume."

  "Midoriya would never become a villain either," Mina said aloud.

  "Stop interrupting," Uraraka huffed.

  "Sorry..." all of them but Jiro apologized (because she didn't interrupt).

  "Where was I..." Uraraka put her finger to her cheek, "Oh yeah... by that time, the sky had turned blood red and the ground pitch black... and it was disintegrating... Soon, I was falling, and I closed my eyes, waiting for the end. Someone caught me, but it was Villain Deku, who told me that he only caught me to say how much he hated me, and then I started falling again... But- But that's when..."

  Uraraka blushed.

  "What is it? What is it?" the other girls looked at her excitedly.

  "Deku came to my rescue, he was hugging me and told me, "Uraraka, everything's going to be okay" ," it made her blush.

  "Aww! That's so cute!" they all squealed.

  Uraraka blushed even more at this.

  "And he was... hugging me," Uraraka admitted, with only resulted in more squeals from her friends, "then hetook my hand and led me up to where Villain Deku was, and they started fighting. That was when I woke up."

  Uraraka was about to say about what happened when she actually woke up, but then blushed even more and covered her face.

  "I can tell something happened when you woke up," Mina smirked at her, "I can read your body language."

  "Tell us!" they all pleaded.

  'Okay... I'll tell them...'

  "Deku was actually hugging me when I woke up!" Uraraka blurted louder than needed.

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