Chapter 98 : Income Festival

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Day of the Festival. Early Morning, Yonsei University Entrance. Eun Hee's POV.

It was the day of the festival, all of the students in campus had prepared such elaborate and grand booth, each one clearly was well-thought of, and some were obviously just for fun. I have never seen the campus so widely covered with colorful decorations. It only made me twice as more excited when the festival begins!

I saunter my way towards our booth, located just below the skyway path that connects the Platinum Room and the other ranks. Ours displayed a center stage, covered with silver and white ribbons, glitters, and other creative handicraft to make it the most stand out-ish booth there is on campus, and one of the biggest at that. "There you are, Eun Hee! We've been looking all over for you!" says Chen, who grabbed me by right arm.

"Good Morning! Our booth is so pretty! Who decorated it?" I ask, plastering a very amused look on my face. Suddenly, Xiumin grabs hold of my left arm. "You should thank Tao for the decorations, he's very crafty when making decorations and planning events. Who knew, right?" said Xiumin, almost completely shocked by what he said. "But you should praise him later, we need to get you ready for the auction. The festival will start in 1 hour!"

Soon, both of them lead me to the medium-sized box room that was beside the stage. As the three of us enter, we find Krystal who was being fixed by what looked like professionals. One who did her make-up, one who did her hair, and two people who was still on the hunt for her clothes.

She spots me from her dresser mirror, looking back with a grin. "Yah! I was waiting for you to show up! God, it's obvious that you just woken up, judging from how you look right now." 

"Psst, Eun Hee. Don't worry, for today, it seems Krystal is, uhmm, how do you say it, playing fair 'cause of the auction? So don't be at all afraid of her, I guess, for today." spoke Kyungsoo, giving me a thumbs up. I gulp out of fear. "I-I don't think I can do that, Kyungsoo. I'm afraid of what she can do." 

Kyungsoo pats my back, "Believe in me! I'll right outside if you need me, goodluck!" As soon as he said that, he rushes out, leaving me all alone with Krystal who I know hates my entire being. 

"Y-Yah, Eun Hee! I'm only helping you this once since I don't want to cheat my way to the top. So for today, I guess we could set aside our differences. Anyway, I'm practically done with my hair and make-up. I'll let my stylist do all the heavy work on you." She snaps her fingers, and like magic, all the professionals focused on me, leading me to the seat next to Krystal. 

"A-Alright. Though, I don't need that much work to begin with, it's just a festival after all.." I muttered out of fear. I hear an audible gasp escape from Krystal's mouth, "Please don't say that it is just a festival, because it is not! This is a matter of popularity, Eun Hee. It's not just us students who will be loitering around the campus, but also visitors and alumni! ALUMNI! Can you just imagine if one of the former Platinum alumni were to see you on stage wearing your daily platinum uniform with basic make-up? They'll lose respect not only for you, but for the whole Platinum group."

My face turns pale, even the blush that the make-up artist was applying on me right now wasn't doing good. "N-Now that you said it that way, I feel thrice as pressured to even go on stage! I-I didn't even prepare a dress to wear..."

"That won't be a problem!" said Chen and Xiumin simultaneously. I look back at them using the mirror, seeing them holding onto a dress that was on a hanger. It was a knee-length dress, it had the same famous color of Platinum, and by the looks of it, the fabric seems to be made out of the best silk out there.

I gawk at its beauty, "Y-You guys really prepared that for me?" Both of them grin at one another, almost proud of themselves. "Of course! What are friends for, besides, Chanyeol would kill us if we didn't help you. Hahaha." I let out a relieved sigh, focusing back at reality. "Y-Yah, it's nice that you're thinking about me and all, but you two should really get yourself dressed up as well."

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