Chapter 69 : Late Night Visit

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Early Evening. Eun Hee's House. Eun Hee's POV.

I glance down below the front entrance where my two best friends depart with bewildered looks. I sigh, sliding the curtains to close any further view. At the same time, the door opens revealing EunRa who slammed my school bag she used today, the items falling into the trash can out of balance. I got off from my bed, staring at EunRa with a blank look.

She scoffs a bitter smile, "Guess who was ignored the whole day." With that one sentence, I felt as if my heart plummeted down the ground. EunRa takes off her vest, stretching her tired limbs as she walks towards my bed. "What? Did you really think that something was going to happen, hmm? My, my, Eun Hee. You really are an imaginative girl, huh."

"I.. I didn't expect anything." I mutter out with my back still facing her. "Tsk tsk, lying is such a bad thing to do, Eun Hee. As an honour student, you shouldn't act like that. Besides, if you're willing to hear of what happened today, I'll gladly tell you."

Out of pure curiosity, I asked bravely. "Hmm, let's see.. Let's start off with my absence as EunRa at school. You see, almost everyone was so worried about me. Especially Chanyeol who stayed isolated from everyone today. Aigo, it makes me feel bad to be in disguise and make him feel so lonely. It's such a shame you can't do anything about it 'cause you two are fighting." says EunRa, shaking her head with a hand placed on her cheek.

"But don't worry, Eun Hee. I'm sure there are other guys that would welcome you. For now, why don't you focus on graduating first." she said, watching as she falls back down on my bed. I didn't know why, but my tears didn't seem to appear. I think it's because I was too shocked to even take in what EunRa said about the others.

To be forgotten one day must be the most scariest thing I have to come across in my life. I walked out the room with Byul just right on my tail, embarrassed because with what EunRa stated, I did become a little hopeful that maybe Chanyeol and the others would do something about the whole situation.


Dinner Time. Eun Hee's POV.

I play with my share of pickled radish, silently listening to the conversation of EunRa and Mom who seems to hit it off well. No surprise there, it seems that EunRa could easily go into someone's flow and be loved regardless. Suddenly, the news sparks up. "For the latest trend, it seems that Vice President Song hasn't given any regards to the upcoming malls that he plans to open alongside the Mr. Xin, the President of Shinsegae Centum City.."

The news continue on, I peek at EunRa who turned unbelievable quiet. Eomma gave a comforting look at her, "Seems it was a good thing that you've come to seek shelter here. Your house is really crowded with reporters." Eomma then eyes me, staring at me to say something reassuring to EunRa. Without much choice to do, I lower my chopsticks and thought of words that won't seem too fake for her to hear. "..Yeah, it was a good thing that you're here with us.." I muttered out. EunRa releases a smile, different from her cringe worthy one. It looks like she meant well that Eomma was right in front of her, nonetheless, should I put my trust into that smile like what I have done before..?

"So, anyway, are you girls going to have another slumber party tonight? Do you want me to make any snacks?" says Eomma, brimming with a motherly vibe. EunRa chuckles, "Oh no, please! It's fine. Eun Hee still feels very sick from this morning. Really, it will be good if she skips one more day of class. She could very much catch up with the lessons, she is running for an honour student, right?" says EunRa, rubbing the nearest shoulder next to her.

Eomma frowns with half a smile. "Aww, just seeing both of you makes me think I have twins to call my own." The feeling of being compared, no, to being closely related makes me even more sick that what I am feeling right now. Although Eomma could see my horrid looking face, she'd think that I really am sick since this morning.

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