Chapter 42 : Snow in Seoul

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A/N : goal update didn't reach, but i do hope it reaches the next goal~ ^^


The following week. Gold's Room. Morning.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN JONGIN CHEATED?!" exclaims Krystal, making such a very huge uproar in the morning. Sehun shrinks back behind Luhan who seems to be doing pretty well from her powerful blood curling shriek. Krystal continues to pant, looking at the members and to Jongin who seems way too relax about the whole thing, maybe even drawing to the point of not caring.

"It's what I have told you for the second time, Krystal. Look, if you're not going to believe me, then you might as well go and ask your cousin -- the new Platinum leader -- about the whole thing. I'm sure you two have a lot to discuss about." says Luhan, taking in a sip of Kris' homemade tea.

"I won't absolutely allow this! T-They must have done some blackmailing to have gone this far as to deprive you away from your right titles! I'll get to the bottom of this, so Honey." Krystal loosens a button on her polo, strongly gazing at Kai with a motivated look. "Don't worry! I'll talk things over with my stupid cousin of mine! You'll see! I'll avenge you all!" "W--"

Soon, Krystal leaves the room with full speed, unable to hear what Kai was about to say next. Kai sighs, scratching the back of his hair as he continues on with his peaceful cup of coffee. Sehun tilts his head, "Were you about to say something, Jongin?~" Kai takes out another deep sigh, "Ah yeah. I don't know if she purposely pretends not to know what today is but--" "Oh right!~ It's the finals today! I completely forgot about that!~" says Sehun, snapping his fingers loudly.


Later on. Platinum room. Krystal's POV.

"YAH! CHANDORK! HOW DARE YOU STEAL THE--" Before yelling out my rage, I find all the former Gold members seated by the couch, leaving but only Eun Hee and the dean in the middle of the room where she collectively placed herself comfortably on a simple desk chair.

"Oh you've come, Ms. Jung! I was worried for a second that you wouldn't attend the finals competition you have agreed with Eun Hee here. If you did, then Eun Hee would have been pronounced the winner without any effort at all." said the Dean, surprisingly smiling with a carefree attitude. The hair at the back of my hair crawls down, feet temporarily planted down in place. "F-Finals..?"

(Shit! I totally forgot about the finals! I thought that it was still a week for now! Well, I did study a few days before. But I never really thought that it would be today! Ugh! I hate the Hospital the most!) I prompt myself to stand from my slouch-like posture, "H-How improper! And to think that I just got discharged from the Hospital today and this is what brings me into a warm welcome?"

"Based from what I heard, it seems that you have already started to indulge in studies three days ago. I don't think you have the right to excuse yourself from the finals let alone a challenge that you have accepted in front of a large crowd. Perhaps, if you're not entirely up for it anymore, then I guess wearing farmer clothes for a week is given to your consideration, hmm?"

"Hey!--" "Aw c'mon, Krystal. You're seriously not going to back out now, huh? You've already made a solemn challenge with the new Platinum, you might as well accept it and get it over with." I grit my teeth, "N-N-Ne-New Platinum?!" "That's right!~ Eun Hee-yah is the new Platinum! So don't go getting any ideas of doing anything fishy!" yells Tao, shivering behind Lay.

"Well, Krystal? Are you willing to give up now?" says Eun Hee, smiling happily towards me. I slam my purse down the floor, making my way in front of the desk chair, opposite of her. "I'll accept if you change the benefits when I win this challenge." Eun Hee tilts her head to the side, "What is it?" "I want you to return the title of Platinum to the original members without any hesitation!"

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