Chapter 30 : Yes or No

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"Y-Yah! What's all this about huh, Jongin?" said Kris, taking his steady place in front of me defensively. Suho irritatedly scratches the back of his hair, "H-Hey now. Just a week ago you wanted Eun Hee to be the Platinum, but now, now you're telling us that Krystal is to become the Platinum from now on. Not to be taken in the offensive side but, is there something you're not telling us, Jongin?" 

Kai continues to gaze at everyone's bewildered face, landing his eyes down his desk. I trace my eyes to Krystal, gleaming with a winning smile on her face. A smile that others would think would be a mindless and innocent act, but deep down, it's meaning is different. Rather than cute and bubbly, it lies with despise and annoyance towards me. I hated it.

I furiously walk forward, grabbing Krystal's arm as she trips down in the process, landing safetly on her knees. "Give me back Kai's tie! Give it to me!" I shriek. "Aaaah! Help! Help me, Jongin!" yells Krystal, clawing her way out of my weak grip. Kai pulls Krystal hastily, pushing me down hard on the velvet floor. 

I watch wide-eyed as Krystal cries on Kai's left shoulder, her body shivering with little sobbing noises coming out from her mouth. I was left speechless as to what was happening, "W-Why Kai..." I mutter out my parted lips. Kai makes a degraded look, "You're not the Platinum anymore. You don't have to attend this class anymore, likewise, have any business with us. So, leave." 

Krystal sniffles loud, "N-No. Even though she's like this right now, I still.. I still treat her as a friend, Jongin. Please don't reprimand her to come here. I'll be really lonely without someone to play with.." "Are you sure?" questions Kai. Krystal leans on his sturdy chest, grinning with leftover tears in both eyes. "Yes, I'm sure.." 

Kai roughly flicks his attention back at me, that was, until, Baekhyun stepped in in front of me. "If you're thinking about letting Eun Hee become Krystal's slave, then think again." Baekhyun and Kai exchange electrifying gazes at one another, "Are you seriously picking a fight with me, Baekhyun?" Baekhyun who didn't seem to flinch the slightest gives out a positive bob of the head. "Looks like I am." 

I hook my hand onto Baekhyun's arm, "B-Baekhyun-ah.." "Then you leave me with no other choice then, Baekhyun.." Kai trails off, examining Baekhyun from head to toe. "I will have to suspend you in regards to Platinum work. You will start attending the Silver ranked class tomorrow, unless I call for you, then shall you resume your position here. Is that understood?"

Baekhyun firmly nods, "I understand, Jongin." In a quick manner, Baekhyun clamps my wrist, leading me out the room filled with tension. After four to five steps away, I could feel my heart paltipate from such intensity. I have never felt so overpowered in my whole life, never have I stood up for myself like that. Moreover didn't expect myself to make a move like that to Krystal. 

Baekhyun spun in place, rubbing both my shoulders with an easy look. "That was a close one, wasn't it?" I shake my head, "Close one? What are you talking about, Baekhyun-ah! You were just kicked out the Platinum group! Aren't you the least bit worried about your status?" He frowns, "I never bothered about my rank nor status in the Platinum group. And you don't have to worry about that, it's just temporary anyway. I'm sure Jongin will come to accept me when the time is right." 

I continue to drag a doleful look, "..I appreciate what you've done just now. But I'm sure there is no means to protect me anymore, Baekhyun-ah. It would be much better if you follow what Kai tells you to do. Knowing Kai, I'm sure he won't let you in if you continue on talking to me." I push Baekhyun lightly out of the way, "So if you please, won't you ignore me from now on. It would mean a lot to me if you do at least that.." I briskly walk down the hallway, heading my way towards the other building where the seniors reside.


Myungsoo's House. Late Evening. 

"Omo. It's been such a long time since we've seen you around here, Eun Hee-yah!" said my Aunt, overjoyed as she places a bowl of mashed potatoes on top of the table. I continue to place food on top of my plate, beaming them a smile as I conceal what I really feel inside. "So, how's Platinum work? I'm surprised that you have time to visit when it's the peak season for Platinum work." said Uncle, washing down his meal with tea.

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