Chapter 20 : Lover's Myth

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Soft.. Soft.. Eh.. What is this..? I lift my tired eyelids up to find myself hugging something rather soft inside my blankets. I smile, tightening it. Aigo. Baekhyun must have placed a pillow beside me last night.. "Omo~ Eun Hee-yah is so soft~ Ahhh~ It feels like heaven.." 

My eyes flew open to the sound of Sehun's voice below the sheets. I flip my blanket to find Sehun hugging my torso. My eyes widen, "GYAAAAAAAAH!" 


10 minutes later. 

"Aigo. I told Luhan to watch over Sehun while I order the Platinum's new clothes downstairs." said Baekhyun, sipping his americano by the couch. 

Sehun continues to sleep soundly, his head on Luhan's lap. Which is a strange sight to see since Luhan always has his laptop placed there. Luhan darts me a look, I hesitantly grin, "A-Ah y-you two seem pretty close. Aha ha.." 

Luhan sighs, "Sehun's been a close family friend. So he's often in my house ever since. He's a pretty weird kid, but he's really kind once you get to know him." 

"Ehh.." I nod in interest. I shift my attention to Baekhyun, "But why does he look so tired? He looks rather peaceful sleeping right now.." "Well you see," Baekhyun began, placing his coffee down on the table, "Hmm. It was right after seeing you cry on the beach last night that he began to worry over you. And right when you fell asleep in my bedroom, he constantly kept check on you the whole night to see if you were still okay. I guess, for such a childish college student as him, he's pretty reliable at times of need." 

I stare at the sleeping Sehun, feeling all mushy inside from that cute story Baekhyun just told. I shake my head, still flustered with what just happened this morning. "B-But how did he end up with me in bed?!" 

"Oh that. Sehun frequently sleepwalks when he's really really tired. He'd usually hug me in bed, but I guess he's made you your number one target." nods Luhan, scribbling doodles on Sehun's face. My face softens, "Now that you put it that way, he's really just like a little kid. How cute! He even knows how to sleep talk!" I grin.

Luhan and Baekhyun sharply dart their look at Sehun, who flinched the slightest. Luhan pulls Sehun's ear, "Y-Y-Yah. Now that I think about it. I don't recall you having sleeptalk issues." "A-A-AHH~ Luheen~ That hurts~ Hyuuu~" Sehun squeals with a pout.

Eun Hee heaves a long sigh, her hand place on her face. Just then, Kris and Suho exits Kai's room with a rather serious face. I make a stand, looking at them with worry attached to my heart. "Uhm, how is Kai doing? Is he doing better than last night?" 

Suho reassuringly smiles at my way, "Yes. He's eating his breakfast right now. So you don't have to worry about anything, Eun Hee-yah." "T-Then what time are we set to depart later?" "We're not leaving Hawaii today." cuts Kris. 

I stare at him, dumbfound. "E-Eh? Not leaving Hawaii? W-Why?!" "Because of that horrible storm yesterday, it seems that the Airport has been trashed with tree's and such. Everyone's flight back has been delayed a day for the cleaning." explains Baekhyun. 

"N-No way.. T-Then what about Kai? Is he going to be okay? Doesn't he need to see the Doctor again?" Suho pats my shoulder to ease, "Don't worry. Jongin is a strong person. He'll surely be able to endure a day. For now, he'll be staying in bed for the whole day. As for you Platinum," He hands me a swimsuit with a silly grin plastered on his face. I look down to find that one piece swimsuit he was itching for me to wear the other day. 

"Y-YAH! SUHO!" I yell in embarassment. Before I could throw the swimsuit out the balcony, a loud knocking sound was heard at the opposite end of the front door. Everyone's attention went straight to the door, wondering who on earth was knocking this loud in the morning. Especially when it's the most exclusive suite in the Hotel. 

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