"It was nice talking to you, keep your head up in here, ma." I said

"I will, son. Visit me again and bring Royalty."

"What about your other granddaughter?" I asked as I stood up

She scrunched her face up, "I can do without her."

I chuckled, "Go to hell..." I said and turned to walk away but turned back around, "23 times." I added

I exited and went back to my car.

I don't know when or if she'll be seeing me again.
When I got in the house India was in the kitchen cooking something, Royalty was at the table drawing or something and Mimi, which is what I nicknamed Ai'Marie, was in her crib.

"Hey! Did you get the cereal?" India asked as I walked into the kitchen

"Damn, no 'how was it?,' 'how do you feel?,' just, 'did you get the cereal?' " I chuckled, placing my keys down.

"Sorry, I just need it. Not only does it keep her full but she has bad acid reflux, so thickening her milk will make it sit heavier on her belly. I do want to know how things went though."

"We'll get it tomorrow." I nonchalantly said and sat on the couch.

She came out of the kitchen, "Watch the food and the kids, I'll go get it." She said and grabbed her keys

"What? I wanna take a nap. Why can't it just wait until tomorrow?" I asked

"Remember what I just explained! Are you gonna get up when she's screaming to the top of her lungs because of the reflux?" She asked with a raised eyebrow

"I might."

"Might isn't good enough."

"How do you even know this helps?" I asked, flicking through channels.

"I've spoken with her doctor when it started happening too frequent and once I started using it she hasn't had it since."

I sighed, "Please don't be long."

"I won't. The food is almost done, I'm just letting it finish simmering, turn it off in about five minutes." She instructed

"Got it." I said and gave a thumbs up

By the time I got back Chris was asleep, the food was burning, Royalty had paper everywhere and Ai'Marie was crying.

"Chris!" I yelled as I tossed my keys and purse down

He jumped up, "What?" he asked, he looked as if I had no reason bothering him.

"The kids! The food!" I said as I turned the food off and then went to pick Ai'Marie up.

"Why'd you fall asleep?!"

"I couldn't stay up, you were gone too long and I got up early."

"You stay up longer when you've worked a 9 hour shift just to play your game! I was only gone for 15 to 20 minutes. You couldn't handle that?"

He shrugged and chuckled, "Obviously not."

"This isn't a chuckling matter, Royalty just tore up all of that paper—which you aren't going to clean up, and Ai'Marie was in here crying. Which looked like had been going on since I left. In addition to the scorched food. I told you to turn it off for me."

I changed Ai'Marie on the love seat with her changing pad under her then put her back in her swing and gave her a half-full bottle that she didn't finish earlier.

I went back into the kitchen and started tossing the food out. He came and sat at the counter, watching me throw everything out.

He heavily sighed, "Just have Royalty pick it up and make something else. And for the record, she wasn't crying when you left."

"You make something else, I'm ordering Royalty and I something to eat." 

"What about me?"

"Make you something else." I said and rolled my eyes

He sucked his teeth, "You something."

I ignored him and went on the UberEats app and started searching for something I had a taste for.

Though I told him I wouldn't order him anything, I still included him as well.

I instructed Royalty to pick up her mess and I cleaned up any mess I had lingering around.

When the food got here we ate in mostly silence. Typically we don't but tonight Chris is in his asshole mood so we don't have much to talk about.

Abt 3 chapters left.
Ria ✍🏽

May 5, 2014Where stories live. Discover now