Chapter 49

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Silence hovered in the air of the principal's office of St. Peter's as Koori sat opposite of Cillian Häyhä by the office desk. They both stared at each other in distaste. Mr. Yue, Ved'ma and Koori's personal secretary (who was the replacement for the brutally murdered principal, Deirdre Mirai) hovered silently in the background. Koori's secretary's fingers began dancing in the air.

'Shall we commence the meeting without Justice?'

Koori and Cillian sat in silence. "They should be here at any second," Ved'ma said calmly. As if on cue, the double doors to the office creaked open. The Quintessential Solicitor and Actress Justus Cóir and Sabrina An Sona strolled in, as calm and content as always. "Heya. Sorry for being late. There's some stuff that happened to my brothers," Justus said ever so insouciantly. "Did they die?" Ved'ma asked. "Who knows? Maybe~" Justus winked. "Shall we begin?" Sabrina asked. Koori nodded. "We may."

"....." Absolute silence hovered in the air once again as Koori stared into Cillian's dark icy brown eyes. In the Koori's peripheral vision, he can see his veiled secretary staring at Cillian and Mr. Yue intensely, observing ever little detail to take into consideration of what one might be thinking of. She stepped into the middleground and she started signing.

'Miss Gaela is taken away by TRAXX and the Angel's Executioner. It happened because we were both at fault and didn't cooperate well. We did and said things we shouldn't've.'

"Apologies," Koori said in a carefree manner, "I enlightened my sister on some psychological tricks you've played." Cillian remained silent. "Let's make this clear; we both want my sister." Koori said coldly, "I won't let you have her. You had your fun and it's time for you to return what belongs to me." "Nonsense," Cillian said calmly, "Mr. Yue and my brother raised this blissful jewel into who she is today. She is mine." "You better keep your filthy hand off of of my sister you insane creep," Koori snarled.

Koori and Cillian glared at each other. "Woah chill guys," Justus laughed, "let's all hold hands and get along okay?" Koori turned his head to Justus. "Silence," he ordered. Justus obeyed but a mischievous smile crept up on his face. "We are all at fault; we didn't communicate well enough," Sabrina said calmly, "for now let us try and resolve this issue in peace."

Cillian hovered his gaze at Sabrina. "Who told you to speak up Miss Quintessential Actress?" He asked. "No person. However I do wish for the best for my boss," Sabrina replied, "I'm sure Mister Yue is feeling the same. A very doting and worried father he is." Koori turned his head to Mr. Yue and he looked indeed quite unsettled. Cillian frowned. "You have a handful of observant and analytical underlings Bing," Cillian said. Koori cracked a smirk. "Of course
Cillian. Your people may be more superior in terms of vigour but I possess more vigilant, critical and cunning people." Koori's secretary knocked on the wooden office table to catch everyone's attention.

'I know we are not allies but Gaela is in the hands of others. If we want her, we need to work together. Can we agree on that?' She signed. Both Justices translated it to Cillian and Mr. Yue. Everyone reluctantly nodded. 'Let us reconcile and join forces,' she signed again. "I had a plan ready to go," Koori said casually, his active brain quickly building up his scheme, "I'm pretty happy with my plan but I want to see your opinions." "What is it?" Ved'ma asked.

"The Angel's Executioner is no other than Miss Lait Yi; the Quintessential Writer. She have three helpers with her whether they commit crime. They are three of her four siblings that the infamous thief Harry Robinson fostered. Hehe, how cute. A plague doctor and her three crows who acts as omens of death." Koori smiled. "What are you implying?" Ved'ma asked, "get to the point."

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