Chapter 2

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The coffee shop that lies within the Tower Bridge is a tranquil place, full of familiar faces and frequent visits from customers that prefer the afternoon tea there with its irresistible scenery, desserts as well as idle conversations and workers.

Gaela hopped off of the red car and head inside the café with Threatening following close behind as Folisha yawned and stretched, eyes tired and droopy. Adrienne simply put the cloth for her glasses away, fixing her glasses with her focused emotionless look on. Rin is already asleep, tired from the event yesterday night. Brian simply carried her inside bridal style, almost too effortlessly.

The bell to the door dinged in its charming chime as the group walked inside the café. The cashier and waiters of the café gave them a knowing nod as customers all gave each them an intrigued look. Gaela ignored them and went straight for the door with the 'STAFF ONLY' sign on and entered the room. The room was almost empty, with the exception of a few desks, chairs and bookshelves as well as a worn out red carpet. The room almost have a strong eerie atmosphere to it.

The group ignored it and head straight for the bookshelf at the far end. Gaela pulled out the book 'Zodiac High: The 13th Zodiac' from the shelf and a loud thud is heard. That is the only real book from the bookshelf in which is a lever. The other books are just unknown book-spines stuck to the shelf. The group stepped back as the bookshelf rumbled and shook before rotating ninety degrees, revealing a entrance to an elevator.

Folisha cheered as she hoped in, humming a small tune with others following. She tapped her foot on a secret camouflaged button, and the doors to the elevator closed and descended deep into the ground. "Adri are you okay?" Folisha asked as Adrienne shot her a questioning look. "Why?" She asked. "Those two filthy cripples dared to touch you let alone apprehend you," Brian growled, face hardening at the thought, "did they do anything bad to you?"

Adrienne rolled her eyes before shaking her head. "I'm fine, just taken aback." "Don't lie Adrienne, us soldiers of Allah can't get away with lying. Please tell us if somethings wrong." Threatening replies, eyed staring at the door of the elevator that is still descending. Before Adrienne could reply, the elevator door slid open, revealing the agency. They all got out of the elevator, walking past training rooms and countless quarters as well as comrades and nodded in acknowledgement as they walk pass each other.

They finally reached the room they're going to; the office of Cillian Häyhä, the chairman of this agency in the UK. Gaela's face hardened as Adrienne shivered. Folisha lost her usual smile and Threatening looked away. Brian grunted before holding onto Rin in one hand and knocked and opened the door without hesitation with his other hand.

The tall blonde behind the office desk stared at the group, his cold brown eyes flickered in satisfaction as he smirked, sending a chill down Gaela's spine. "You got your jobs done, as expected from the Kings of the Moon." He started, voice flat, serious and threatening in a way. His gaze landed on Rin in Brian's arms as he continued. "Rin, you don't want to be a hassle to Brian do you? Why don't you get off of him?" "Sir Rin is—" Brian was cut off by Rin jumping out of Brian's arms, pouting angrily.

"Dammit Cillian! You can tell I'm not sleeping? I thought I did a good job!" She fumed, aqua blue eyes clashing with Mr Häyhä's dead brown ones. "You should practice it more. Anyways so far there's no more assigned mission for you all so I suggest you to continue training, studying and help each other out. After all there's no time to rest since we need to create a paradise for all..." Mr Häyhä trailed off as everyone else nodded firmly, eyes clouded with vengeance and hatred.

He then smiled, a smile that doesn't match the expression behind his eyes as they flickered slightly upon seeing Gaela. "Speaking of which Gaela, there's a mission for you assigned by no one but Your Majesty herself. Honestly I'm so honoured to have you, one of my few precious gems of the agency here." Others exchanged curious looks as Gaela nodded, wanting Mr Häyhä to continue. The man tapped on a few buttons on his desk and the projector whirred to life, projecting a young man and a castle-like building.

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