Chapter 63

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A few beeps on his smartwatch and a display of a location made Fuze's heart drop. Rin Shiota was in need of assistance. Something really bad must've happened. Fuze looked around his surroundings, keeping an eye out on Luke Aiden, Sherry Corcoran and Sakura Nohana. "There will be more guards coming. We'll find Bing Dal later. For now we will kill all stray guards around the place. It'll be bad if our enemy grow weary of our plans," Fuze said coldly, pointing at his smartwatch beeping.

Others seemed to obey Fuze, all sharing a nod. With that, Fuze's back faced everyone and he walked away slowly. "I will be right back. I need to help someone. I'll be back in about twenty minutes so let's meet here afterwards. If not, go ahead without me and met up with Squadron Alpha." "Are you sure you're okay going alone Mister Nethercott?" Luke asked, "don't you need someone to assist you?" "I'll be fine. Worry about yourselves. I've got training from the police force and I was a Royal Guard who protected the English Royal family. Not to mention I've worked under Häyhä long enough to be a merciless killer when the situation falls for it." Fuze replied coldly as he disappeared just around the corner.

As soon as he was out of sight from others, the scientist began sprinting as if he was running for his dear life. As much as Fuze hate to admit it, loosing Rin would be really bad. Yes she is very annoying but she is the reason why the whole group have such high spirits. Losing her would be a dealbreaker and everyone would feel like sh*t.

Once Fuze arrived at a courtroom outside. He looked around frantically. "Rin," Fuze said, not daring to shout loudly in case he gave away his location to enemies or that allies might appear near him, "where are you?" Fuze approached a tall fountain and glanced around. "I-I'm here. Above you." Fuze gazed up to see Rin on top of a battered stone statue. A mangled girl with messy blue hair in a side ponytail coughed up blood, wheezed and the. shot the man a weak smile. "Yo Fuze Ice Tea," Rin greeted, her voice raspy as she wheezed at the last part. "What's the weather like down there—"

"There is no time to joke around Rin. What the f*ck happened?" Fuze snarled, quickly hopping into the fountain and carry Rin down the stone statue carefully on his back. "C-Cillian threw me out of the window.... We're like.... seven or eight floors up or something I don't know..." Rin coughed. "Oh my f*cken God that's not good news now is it?! I will forbid you from kidding around from now on." Fuze hissed, quickly getting out of the fountain. Now Fuze have wet socks and shoes. It didn't feel good but that didn't matter. Rin's life takes priority.

Fuze laid Rin onto the floor and scanned her battered body, face grimacing. He quickly went on his knees and his face darkened. "Forgive me," Fuze muttered and as the cold scientist roughly unbuttoned Rin's shirt. He examined Rin's body. "There's a nasty bruise on your navel. You're swearing a lot Rin. This is bad. How are you feeling?" "Like one of those French girls. You should draw me as one too." Rin said and attempted to wink, only to cough and turn to the other side quickly, bent over wheezing. "Quit f*cking around, Rei." Fuze snapped, getting up and hop to the other side to face Rin again. "You're literally dying. I need to know what's going on with you besides your heart disease and see if I have any hopes of restoring you back to life."

"I feel... out of breath." Rin started, facing up at the sky, "my chest hurts so much and my heart is beating so quickly that I just want to die. My head hurts like a b*tch. I feel so weak as if I can't do anything on my own... I want to sleep. I want to disappear..." Tears began to stream down Rin's face as her blue-green eyes never left the skies above her. "But I want to live. I want to smile and laugh and annoy people... What's going on Fuze? What kind of pain am I feeling right now? I can't feel my body but it hurts. What's happening?"

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