Chapter 64

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Fuze slowly made his way back into the school building and towards the meet up spot he had said to wait at. Luke, Sherry and Sakura were already there with few blood stains on their clothes. Not that they seemed to mind of course. It seemed like there were some stray survivors around that they killed. "We're going to meet up with Kami and her group along with the Robinson protégés who are two floors up." Fuze croaked, "I'm sure you heard from Lydie." The group nodded. They didn't dare to speak after hearing what happened to Rin through their ear pieces.

Fuze turned around quickly, his back facing the group. He didn't want them to see his eyes that glistened as he spoke; having a light coat of tears to them. Fuze headed towards the stairs leading to the next floor and the next, reaching the designated area; the student dormitories. By the stairs was who Lydie mentioned before; Kami, Lucia, Shauna, David, Christopher and the three Robinson protégés. They seemed to have nothing to say, unsure how to react towards Fuze, who saw Rin die first hand. Fuze ignored the awkward atmosphere, took out Rin's transceiver from his pocket and wore it. "This is Fuze. We've met up with the said-personnel, out." He said.

Now they have to go to the Principal's office to meet up with Gaela, Folisha and Akamai. But first things first..... "Does anyone here know where the principal's office is?" Fuze asked. Nobody uttered a word until Sherry shyly raised her hand. "I went there once." Sherry said. "Can you lead the way though Sherry?" Luke asked worriedly with a strained smile, "you don't get lost right?" "Don't worry Luke. I have every tool that helps me find the way. The Stars will guide us to the right path." Sherry opened her satchel and took out a quadrant, astrolabe and revealed a sextant in her satchel. Luke in return sighed. "Don't push yourself Sherry. You'll get us lost." Luke chuckled sadly.

"I remember where the principal's office is." Christopher quickly brought up, "and David too." "Is it true? There's no use lying right now. You better be useful and lead us there." Aisuki said briskly. "David played chess with the principal once in their office. I go to Akamai's dorm a lot, which resides beside the office." Christopher said calmly. With that, he began walking down the hallways, towards the end of the floor, around the corner.

"The principal's office resides on the top floor of the main castle turret. It's evident on the outside but it's hard to get inside. It's inspired by a Lord's castle in the Middle Ages; where castle raids and fighting are common. Secret passageways were generally used as an escape route, a quick way to travel around the castle or used to store treasures. There are a number of ways to get there but I'll go with the route I'm most familiar with.... Into Akamai's room, out the door and towards the principal's office." Everyone looked at Christopher funny.

Christopher glanced around and brightened up a little, quickening his pace whilst everyone behind did the same. "First we'll go to my dormitory room. Then we open the window, climb up the rusted ladder to an arch, which leads to a small tower with machicolations. I tied a rope on one of them so we climb up for a few feet until we reach a set of corbels we can step on. It leads to Akamai's room window." "Do you have a key to unlock Akamai's door?" Sakura asked. Christopher nodded, revealing a key tied around his neck in his hands. "Yeah."

Suddenly Christopher came to a halt. The boy's grey eyes were narrowed in puzzlement and skepticism. Fuze looked in the direction the Russian boy was facing, only to see Gary Akise Cóir, Billie Cóir and Maria. The trio stopped as well. "It's the missing quints!" Sakura brought up with a shocked expression. "I thought they were held hostage?" Shauna said nervously, "what's going on?!" "F*ck. What do we do now?!" Kami snarled in frustration, "why isn't everything going according to plan?!" "Tch... I wonder if those three girls — Akamai, Gaela and Folisha, are okay...." Casper muttered.

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