Chapter 159 (Special Event: Battle For The Continent Of Atlantis)

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And they might know of what is being build on the other side which is very safe.

Since the whole area on the other side is covered with several mountains.

Making anyone not know that there would be something inside the place.

After all it was a top secret project that is being build there and they can't risk it being found.

So she as no choice but to  wait and see whatever is being built there since it is only 5 days.

Got Y/N to build his projects while she on the other hand

Was busy preparing all of there troops for war they would be attacking the bases on the west.

While on the East it is easier the take this base out o they have decided to take out there more harder base.

Since it would be a trouble if they don't find a way for them to take those bases out.

As they are the main supply to the whole continent and if not taken out.

It would be harder for them later to destroy the base as they would heavily fortify it.

And would give them some hug lost and had there shipgirls all badly damaged if that ever happened.

During the 5 days of preparation for the battle that they will be heading to in just a few days.

After Y/N has mannage to build up this new ship that he had promised them all that would help on taking out there bases.

So Alice and Max had each shipgirl train and some getting retrofit so they would be strong enough.

That they would fight in the battle more easily and have no problem on dealing out the enemy.

When they all lay siege on the base which will be easier said than done.

As each base is fortified well and they can't destroy the wall that easily.

But what ever Y/N is making right now would surely help them be able to win the war against the Zins.

The continent is huge but with Light and her sisters they would be able to help them.

Get to the other bases fast and they could use the sky as an advantage.

Luckily they are equip with radar cloacking field that makes them to be invisible.

In any type of radar the Zins have that they will use to see what ever try to get near them.

Luckily this cloacking field is there to cover there tracks and prevent them from getting detected by the Zins.

For the past 5 days now Y/N has been busy building this new ships.

Massive resources are being use and were take from large mines on the mountains.

That are field with massive stockpile of titanium and other useful resources.

That they can all use to build ships, weapons and other things that will help them within the island.

And a few days ago try just received that the colony fleet would be arriving.

In just over more than 3 days and 1 week and another would appear and head to the continent.

Within 3 days later that will follow the first colony fleet they are all luckily.

Being transported by huge amount of ships that would guard them.

And so far they have not encounter any kind of problem at all and they are all safe.

They also spotted Siren production model ships that are sailing in groups.

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