Chapter 83:

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Jake POV:
I stare out of the window watching the snow fall at the same time thinking about Nicole. I miss her and I hope she comes  back.  I want to get out of this hell hole as soon as possible! I need to go back to England! I have to see my sister and my mom. I miss them too. A miracle has to happen!
"Hey buddy" I hear Damian say and I look up to see him holding two bowls with a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Hey Damian" I say. His name is  Harry but he said I should still call him Damian since we are in Tigress's quarters.
He hands me one bowl of what looked like noodle soup. I smile  gratefully and dig in.

"I've finally found out what Tigress is trying to hide from me" he speaks up.
"She is partnering with one of my boss'  worst enemies! She smuggles drugs for them too hence earning double income and my boss doesn't tolerate that" he states and I just look at him.

"This girl is a real tigress! No wonder that's her name! Wait! Is that her real name? I've never bothered to ask anyone"I ask Damian and he chuckles.

" I know her real name! She just doesn't like being called by that name! She prefers Tigress" he explains.

"So what is her real name?" I ask curious to know.
"Roberta Venancio"Damian says and I'm gobsmacked. She had such a simple name. It was a nice name too.

" Is she Mexican?"I ask.
"I dunno but that is her real name"
"How did you find out?"
He chuckles.
"She said her real name to our boss when I was with him in his office. That time, she was applying to be a drug dealer"
"Oh! Then that's too bad for her! Because from now on, I'll call her Roberta"
"No don't! She knows I'm the only one who knows her real name!" Damian warns.
I chuckle.
"It's worth it Damian! I just want to mock her "
"I think you are starting to have interest in her" Damian mocks and I suddenly feel like throwing up.

"Who? Me? You must be crazy" I tell him.
"I'm serious because you want to know everything about her" Damian spits.
"What? No! I ask because I know absolutely nothing about her! Just cut the crap! There is no way I'll fall in love with such a .....a girl"
Damian shrugs with a small teasing smile.
"So are you gonna tell your boss what you found out about Roberta Venancio a.k.a Tigress?"
Damian cracks up.
"What's with you people and changing your names? It makes it difficult to use your old names" I scoff.
He laughs harder at me.

"Damian! What's with the laughter?" I hear Tigress no Roberta yell as she infiltrates into my room and Damian straightens up. I took it as the cue to tell Tigress her new name to her face.

"What's it Roberta? Is he disturbing you?" I mock her and I see the colour in her face drain. I could feel Damian's heated glare behind me but I just smirk at her.

She chuckles nervously.
"Excuse me but who are you talking to? Because I know there is no Roberta in this room" she says with a cheesy smile.

I laugh in amusement and stand up. I stride towards her and I stop right in front of her.
"I'm talking to you Roberta Venancio! aka Tigress" I point out just to spite her. She looks like she has just pissed in her pants.

She is perplexed and perturbed now as she glowers at me.
"I'm not called Roberta! Who told you that lie?" She barks at me
"No one! I just found out myself! Tell me, are you Mexican sweetheart?" I taunt tracing her neck with my index finger and she recoils a bit and smacks my hand.

"You are nuts! I'm Tigress!"
I chuckle amusedly and she turns red and looks like she is about to explode like a grenade.

"Damian! See me right now" she says. "And Jake!, Kate is here to see you"

I grin at her. She stomps out of my bedroom. I turn to see Damian with a furious look on.

"Why did you tell her that?" He screams at me.
"Look man! The moment I saw her plastic face, I just said it! I acted on impulse"
He growls.
"You shouldn't have told her! Now what am I supposed to tell her? What plausible explanation can I possibly give her?"

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