Chapter 1:

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"You little slut!" I say and give her a slap on her right cheek.

She holds it in pain and looks at me surprised.

"Did you just--" I cut her off.

"Yes I did! Never insult my mother! Again!!!"

She chuckles. "But its the truth. Which mother would train her daughter to become an ill mannered freak like you!"

"Shut up!" I say and shove her onto the floor completely annoyed. I pounce on her and give her some punches.

Students have gathered in the hall taking in the scene with their phones. I continue to punch her stupid doll face till my fist were bloody. She groans in pain and I grab her pink hair and shove her. She falls on the ground and blood spills on the floor.

"Nicole! Stop!!!" I hear a familiar male voice say but I don't look at the person. I needed to teach this bitch a lesson. She thinks she has guts! Just because she is the queen bee of the school! Argh!!! I hate her!!!

I lift her up from the floor and slam her onto one of the  yellow lockers in the hall.
The students  cheer loudly and I punch her the more and kick her even harder.

"Nikki stop!" Aaron appears in front of me and holds me in place.
"Let me go Aaron! I need to teach this bitch a lesson!!!" I say through gritted teeth.

I watched her struggle to her feet with blood all over her face.
"You've done enough! Let's get out of here" Aaron coaxes.

"No! Leave me alone" I yell but he drags me through the crowd. The crowd of students are laughing and taking pictures of me and the bitch.

We file into an empty classroom.
"What got into you Nikki?" Aaron yells.

My breathing is heavy from the fight. I inhale and exhale.
Aaron is a part of my gang. He is a handsome guy with brown hair and green eyes. He has a few tattoos on his body with a few piercings. He's a jock. He loves soccer.

"She provoked me"I answered
when I got the strength

" You've gone on three suspensions alone this term and now you want another? I know you're the Alpha but am worried about you"

"I don't care if I have another suspension! Justice has to be served"

Aaron sighs and looks at me with concern in his eyes.
"And don't stop me when I'm in the middle of a fight" I warned him and gave him the death glare.

"I cannot promise you that" Aaron spat.

I realise my hands are bloody and my hair is in a mess for fighting with that good for nothing savage!!!

"Am going to clean up" I say

"Are you crazy? You can't go out there right now! What if a teacher sees you?" Aaron warns.

"I will be careful Aaron! I'm not a baby!" I say.

"Miss Nicole Anderson!!! Please report to the principal's office immediately!!!" I hear through the speakers. Fuck!!! Another suspension on the way....

Aaron looks at me with a smirk.
I know he wanted to say I told you so.
I exit the classroom and go the girls washroom. A girl in the washroom sees me and shudders. I walk past her and wash my hands and my face. She exits the room quickly.

I roll my eyes. They see me as a monster now! I chuckle and dry my hands. Then I combed my dark hair down and straightened my black tank top. Then I left to the principal's office.

"Nikki" the principal says on seeing me. She was a beautiful woman with brown hair.

In front of her sat the bitch I had a fight with this morning. Kate Sanders. Her pink hair is dishevelled and ruffled and her mouth is busted with a few bruises on her face. She shudders when my eyes meet hers.

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