Chapter 71:

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Aaron(the puppy) climbs my bed and comes to lie on my lap. I think it knows what I'm feeling right now. The pain in my chest doesn't fade away and I'm gonna keep on blaming myself for Aaron's death. I should have just told him my real feelings on the day we went for the date but no! I was such a big coward.

Aaron barks and  nudges my hand. I smile weakly. I know it was trying to cheer me up but I cannot be cheered up right now. My heart is bleeding. I glance at the time on the wall clock and its half past two in the morning. I haven't slept and I've got school in the morning. I was just thinking about the memories we had together. Another one comes in mind.

"Aaron! Let's go out" I stated feeling bored
"No! Your parents gave strict instructions! We are not going out"
"But its boring in here! Watching spiderman everyday is making me bored "
"Okay let's play a game!"
"We have played lots of games already"
"Okay, wanna see a magic trick?" Aaron asked and I'm interested now.
"But first do you believe in magic?"
"Hell yeah"
"So I'm gonna make Boomer vanish from here"
"Okay" I said smiling toothily.
Aaron moves his hands in circles and patterns making me giggle.
"Voilà!!" He said but the teddy bear just sits there looking at him and I laugh.
"It didn't disappear" I said with a chuckle.
"That's because I didn't perform the magic trick well" Aaron said disappointed
"You are not a magician Aaron"
"I am"
"You aren't! Now just come over here and----"
"Look! Boomer is gone"
I looked and he was gone alright.
"It worked?"
Aaron smiled proudly.
"See? I told you I am a magician"
"Did you hide the bear?"
"What? No!"
"Aaron" I said giving him a glare
"I didn't hide it! It disappeared"
I shrugged and lay down.
"Make it appear again"
"What?" Aaron blurted.
"Make it appear"
"Okay but it wouldn't be easy" Aaron said with a sigh. Then he began moving his hands around again and stopped but the bear didn't appear.
"Look spider!" Aaron spat
"Where?"I said turning to look at where he was pointing. There was no spider and when I looked back, the bear was there
" Ta da"Aaron sung.
I snorted in response.
"You hid the bear somewhere and then you tricked me and placed it back"
"No I didn't! There was a real spider on the wall"

I laugh at the memory. Aaron has always been a terrible liar. My puppy Aaron barks and it pulls me out of my thoughts. It was barking at something in the window. I check and its Jake knocking my window. I get out of bed and walk to the window swinging it open flabbergasted. He climbs in rubbing his arms vigorously to generate heat in his body .I remember I  told him I named my golden retriever Aaron and he was okay with it.

Cold air rushes into my room and Jake is frosting obviously.
"What are you doing? Look! You are freezing" I scold whiles shutting the window.
"I came to check on you! I knew you wouldn't feel fine since you've lost Aaron"
"That's right! So many days have passed after his demise and I feel so lonely"
I bounce on my bed and put Aaron(my puppy) on my lap brushing his fur. It closes its eyes enjoying the comfort I was generously giving it.
"I really wish you could caress me like that! I'm so jealous" Jake says and I chuckle.

"I...uh....I brought my guitar! I came here to play a little song for Aaron"
I smile."that's so sweet! I would love to hear it "
"Actually is for you and him"
I nod eagerly as I shift in bed and relax in a comfortable position whiles patting Aaron's back.

Jake sits on the edge of my bed and positions his red and black guitar. He looks a bit nervous because he studies the guitar for a long time. I have never heard him play and I want to know how it will sound.

"Did you write the song yourself?" I ask him before he starts.
"Yes. Its a short one"
"Okay then proceed"

Jake clears his throat nervously.
"So here goes nothing"
I giggle and he begins to play it. It sounded good and I watch him.

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