Chapter 48:

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The flow of slime stops and Claire is soaked from head to toe. Students in the hallway chuckle and take pictures. She was immaculately clad in slime.

"Oh my Gosh Claire" I yell and look into my locker. I see nothing but it looks like someone installed a pipe here or something. Surprisingly my books weren't covered in slime.

"This is not good" Claire mumbles.
I shut my locker. It was a prank for me and Claire saved me from the disgrace of being covered in slime and teased. I can only think of one person. Jake and his new gang members are behind this! I have that feeling! I know its them! Who else would try to prank me?

"I'm so sorry about that Claire! It was a prank for me" I apologise.
"No need to apologise. Its not your fault! I'll just go home and take the day off." Claire states

"How would you go?"

"I'll just find a way" Claire drawls disappointment filled in her voice.

"Well the Alpha got pranked!" Jake's voice booms through the hallway and it confirms my suspicions.
I turn to see him looking immensely gorgeous with his hair gelled but he had a new haircut. He had his infamous smirk on and his grey eyes were shimmering.
Kate stood beside him together with those twin boys and a girl with short blue hair.

"Look what you did! Claire doesn't deserve this!" I yell at him and his face falls when he sees Claire covered with slime. Disappointment is clearly written all over his stupid face.

"Shit!" He blurts and turns to the twins at the back.
"Cody! What the fuck did you do? You were supposed to install the damn machine in Nikki's locker!" Jake scolds and I fold my arms.

"I don't  know! Caden told me this was her locker" one of the twins answered. He had a sharp jaw and his lips were really pink and full. I guess he's Cody. He points to his brother beside him who had a dull expression on and he looked dangerous somehow.

"Caden?" Jake asks the 'dangerous twin' I guess. Where did that come from.

"Isn't this supposed to be the bitch's locker?" Caden spits venomously pointing to my locker and my blood boils.

"It is but what I don't understand here is that, how come she didn't get sprayed with the slime?" Jake spits.

"She was supposed to be sprayed with it" Caden says with a shrug

"He installed it in her locker Jake! Its just that this witch seemed to escape our prank" Kate tells him.

Jake nods and the infamous smirk appears on his face again.
"How can you be so inhuman Jake? I thought I really knew you but come to think of it, you are a monster" I tell him and his eyes darken.

"Are you calling me inhuman Nikki? You are the one who hurt me first! You are the one who is inhuman here" he retaliates.

I scoff under my breath and shake my head in disbelief.
"Anyway, I'm so sorry about this Claire! It wasn't meant for you at all" Jake apologises to her.

"Whatever! But why was it for Nikki?" Claire asks.
"Its for a reason I cannot tell" Jake says.
"There is more to come Nikki! You accepted the challenge! So prepare for it! Let's go guys" Jake says and they leave our presence. I roll my eyes.

"Son of a biscuit" I scoff.

Claire chuckles beside me.
"You need to clean up before you go home! I'll help you at the restroom" I offer and take Claire to the girl's restroom. This is gonna take hours to clean up. All the same, she saved me.

"Guys are you listening?" I ask my gang members who weren't listening to my brilliant suggestion.

"Hmm?" Danny snorts
"What did you say?" Kimberly asks looking away from her phone for once.
"I'm sorry but I didn't hear a word " Troy says.
"You were saying something about ...a prank or? I didn't hear anything really" Aaron spits and I growl in frustration.

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