Chapter 61:

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"Wait a minute! I thought you guys were friends again. Because he helped you find me"
"It was all an act Trina! He was just doing it for a reason I do not know! He hates me so much!"
Trina gasps.
"I'm still surprised. You know? I can't think of Jake being callous and wicked" she spits
"Well you better believe it hun cause everyone would testify to you"
Trina's eyebrows knit together.
"Maybe you are not really looking into the issue. You should just apologise to him and everything will be back to normal" she suggests

"I already did Trina and things went back to normal but then he lied to me again and we are back to square one of hating each other"

"What did he lie to you about?"

"He told me he loves me and wants to be with me! But its not true! He loves Helen and only her. I don't know why he lied to me but he admitted that he still loved that girl"

"Who is Helen?" Trina asks scrunching her eyebrows in confusion.

I narrate everything Jake told me about her and Trina gets it.
"What if he was just saying that because he was angry. Maybe he didn't mean it"
"He meant it because you should have seen how he defended her and how he became so gentle when we talked about her"

"That's because she was his childhood friend and maybe they shared a lot of memories together like you and Aaron"

"I know but he likes her okay? He cannot forget her!"

"Come on hun! If Jake really told you he loves you, I think he was being sincere. He was angry probably because you doubted his feelings for you. But you also like him"

"That's too bad cause I'm with Aaron now! And Aaron is better than him! Aaron would never hurt me"

"That scrawny kid?" Trina says mimicking dad's tone and I laugh.

"He. Is. Not. Scrawny" I enunciated the words disgusted at how they belittle Aaron.

"Yeah right! He is now okay. But you will hurt him" Trina reminds as I enter our house.

"I won't!" I state firmly glaring at her.

"You will! I see it coming!"

"Trina Stop okay? Jake and I are done for. We aren't friends again and we will never be" I state and barge into the house clearly annoyed at Trina who was defending that .....Aargh!

I sit on my desk in my room solving some Chemistry equations in my notebook. I began to have a a slight headache from thinking so much. I went straight to my drawer and opened it to get some painkillers.
I take them and shove them into my mouth. Then I gulp them down with my  water.

I was about to close the drawer when something like a small paper caught my eyes. I took them and looked at it. It was the pictures me and Jake took at the amusement park together. I frowned whiles looking at it. Maybe I should just burn it? Or flush it down the toilet? Or dump it in the trashcan?

I decide to just leave it in the drawer. I close it sighing. I thought you were a good person Jake! But I was wrong! Aaron's golden bracelet glimmers in the dim light. I take it and smile. Maybe I should call him and go somewhere this evening.

I snatch my phone from my desk and ring Aaron
"Nikki! What's up?"
"Can you come over? Or you are busy?"
"I can come over! I'm now driving home! Just closed from soccer practice"
"Oh" I say feeling guilty. I should have been around to cheer him up whiles he trained.
"I'll just pass by your house"
"Okay! I'll be waiting"

I hang up and sit on my bed. This Saturday's Halloween and I haven't decided what to dress like. Maybe I can get some ideas over the internet! Besides, what are Aaron and I doing this Halloween? I think about various things we could do. Maybe carve pumpkins, scare each other, share the night together in our costumes....and ding dong! The bell goes.

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