Chapter 36:

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Monday morning! New life! I inhale the fresh morning scent as I walk towards the school building.  Mom is already gone to work.  Today, I'm a whole new Nicole Anderson!

Be in charge! Just play.....

The words ring in my head and I smile striding confidently in the hallway and finally get to my locker.
"Hey there!" Someone says and I almost died of shock. Claire stood there.

"Oh hey Claire" I say.
"You look good today" she compliments
"Thanks you too"

"I need you to help me with something. Tomorrow's Jenna's birthday and I need you to choose a colour to wrap her a present" Claire states.
"Jenna's birthday?" I ask and Claire nods. That means I would have to get her a gift as well. The only colours I could think of were black and  navy because they were my favourite but maybe she has a different taste in colours.

"What's Jenna's favourite colour?" I ask Claire
"Yellow" Claire says.
"Then use a yellow wrapper for the present" I conclude.
"I would like to design her name on it! Which colour? Cos I can't use yellow for that too" Claire says with a pout.

"Okay, why don't you see me after school?" I state.
"Okay! Done" Claire says with a beam and dashes away. I sigh  and pick up my books thinking of a present I could possibly give to Jenna.

A dress? No
A watch? Maybe
A bag or clutch? Maybe.

I just have to get a perfect present. I haven't known her for so long but she's nice and she inspires me a lot unlike Melissa who puts me off all the time.

I walk to my class and plop down on an empty desk at the back. There's no one here. I feel at peace.

"Oh isn't it Miss Alpha! " someone says and giggles. Kate! I just wished she died from the toxins that entered her body when the frogs leaped onto her! But she somehow survived and she's been blaming me for that incident. Well its true I did it but I can't stand her taunts basically everyday.

I flash her a bright smile.
"Hello Kate! I'm happy to see you alive and kicking" I say in a sickly sweet voice.

"Of course! Always deceptive and cunning!" Kate states and chuckles.
"I have no problem if you think of me that way Kate! Cos I know I'm not that kind of person" I reply with a fake smile.

"Oh yes you are and everyone is getting to know the kind of person you are! You are now lonely! If I hadn't come here, you would have been all alone at that corner! Such a pity" she spits and my blood boils.

"I'm not alone!" I yell at her
"You are dear and I tell you your empire is about to fall" Kate warns with a smirk.
"Do you want proof? Okay! Baby please come here for a moment" She calls someone in sweetly.
Who was that?

Jake walks in and I gasp.
"Hey babe" he says to Kate and pecks her cheek. A pit of fire forms in my stomach. What? They are a couple now? Why do you care Nikki? You don't love him. But maybe I do.

"I missed you " Kate sang
"I missed you too! I was blind! I didn't know I was following the wrong person" he says and glares at me.
"I warned you" Kate says.
"I know Shhh" he says and plants a kiss on her lips. What the hell?

"I'll see you later my Queen! Bye" Jake says and gets out of the class. Kate turns to look at me. She is pleased.

"See? I told you! This is enough proof and more thunderstorms are coming your way Nikki! I was right about you! And all your friends will know you! You already lost Jake and Aaron! Who's next? You have only Danny, Kimberly and Troy! I pity you" she spits venomously and laughs wickedly as she walks out of the classroom. I'm hurt.

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