Chapter 2:

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I gather myself and enter the house. My younger sister Trina is not back from school yet. I stride into my bedroom and dump my satchel on the dresser then I lie on my bed.

I grab my phone from my cabinet and check if there were any text messages or missed calls. There were none so I played music instead to relax my nerves.

I exhale heavily. I burst mom's bubble this time around!
Her words ring in my head again.

"I wanted you to be a princess! A well groomed woman but no! You've turned into a wrestler and a gangster"

I feel bad. I get out of my room and go to the hall just to see if I'll catch sight of my mom but she's no where to be found.

Perhaps she's in the kitchen. I go to the kitchen and I was right. She was cooking. I removed the headphones and placed my phone on the table.

"Mom.....can I help?" I ask calmly. I know she was super mad at me for getting suspended for the fourth time but I did it for her. I couldn't watch Kate insult her that way.

She turns and looks at me surprised . I could see she was crying.
"Am okay Nicole! You can only help me if you change your bad attitude." She spits.

My face falls.
"Look mom....I.....I ....wish  I could change and am trying mom but its hard! I can't" I say with tears filling my eyes

"Nicole! I beg you dear! I want you to be the same daughter I had 17 years ago! Please!!! The good daughter! The obedient one! The careful one! Please!!! " she says and tears roll down her cheeks.

I hate to see my mom in this situation. Crying because of me!!!
I step forward and hug her. She cries into my shoulder. Tears roll down my cheeks too.

We break apart and her eyes were demanding an answer.
"I will do my best mom. To change for you"

She nods. Then she goes back to cooking and I help her bake some cupcakes. This is going to be very difficult. Being the alpha entails a lot. You need to be a rule breaker, a badass, a heartless person and a fighter. With these attributes, I can't become a goody two shoes all of a sudden! I exhale heavily.

"Mmm mmm ! What's that wonderful smell?" A voice says and I know its my sister, Trina.

"Hey Trina!" I say and she embraces me. She back from school.

"Hello Nicole" She says.

Meet Trina Anderson:
Age: Fourteen years old

Height: 6.7 ft

Eye colour: chocolate

Hair colour: light brown

Relation: Sibling.

Character: Nosy, funny, impatient sometimes and always curious

"So how was school?" She asks.

"I'd rather not talk about it Trina"

"Well then! When are you taking me out to have a tattoo? I really like the rose and the tiger on your arms" Trina gushed.

"No way Trina! You are not getting any tattoos on you body!" Mom states angrily.

"But mom-- " Trina trails off.


Trina gets out of the kitchen angrily.  I remain quiet.
After cooking, we ate together at the dining hall. Trina was still upset and hardly ate her cupcake. Mom couldn't care less. After dinner, she left to her room immediately. And as for my dad, he's still not back from his business trip to Europe.

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