Chapter 63:

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As soon as biology came to an end, I dashed out of the classroom in a huff with my mind buzzing.
I head to the lunchroom and sit at my usual table listening to music and at the same time eating my granola bar. I feel so angry right now. How on earth would I do this experiment with Jake? We are obviously going to scream at each other and have an F! Seriously?

Someone taps me and I look up to see the monster I was just thinking about. I reluctantly took off my headphones and raised an eyebrow at him. He has an expression on his face which I cannot decipher.

He doesn't speak up. He looks like he is now forming a sentence in his brain. He looks hot standing there with a few bangs of blond hair in his face. I shouldn't be admiring him after all that he has done to me!

"Can't you talk?" I snap at him.
"You know very well I came to you because of that damn project! Unfortunately I got paired with...with you"he states disgusted and I laugh in his face.
" yeah  right! Do you think I am so delirious  that I got paired with you too?"I snap and he is quiet.
"I just care for my grades. Like I wouldn't be standing here trying to put up with your aggressive behavior" Jake states bluntly.

"Excuse me? You cannot just come here and insult me!" I bark at him gaining attention from students in the lunchroom.

"Whatever" he says rolling his eyes
"Meet me at the diner after school. We have a 'project' to discuss"
He walks away and I am annoyed with his cockiness. Oh why does this always happen to me?

"I have a project for all of you and I will be pairing you today. You will just write an essay about a place you love and would love to travel to with your partner! The essay should be detailed and interesting to read and they should be submitted on Friday " Mr Cartwright says studying our faces.
I was currently sitting in English class and Mr  Cartwright began pairing.

"So you! You will be working with her" Mr Cartwright says pointing to a jock at the back and pairing him with a girl in front.

"Miss Anderson"
"Yes sir"
"You will be working with Mr Winters"
I groan inwardly. What the fuck? Again? I spot Jake sitting at a corner and he smirks at me. I wanted to tell Mr Cartwright that I already got paired with him and needed a different partner but that would make him explode like a grenade and send him matching me to the Principal's office.

"Okay so, work together! It should be team work! I don't want any shoddy work done! You know me" Mr Cartwright warns before he begins to teach.

Aaron pulled up at the diner. Where Jake said we should meet after explaining to Aaron I got paired with him. School is over and I'm still thinking on how I'm going to work with him as my partner.
"See you later sugar!" Aaron says when I get down and he drives off. Today was a practice free day for him so he was going straight home to relax. I infiltrate into the restaurant and see Jake sitting at the window reading a book.

I strut to him quite angry. This is going to be strictly educational! No confessing feelings and stuff like that. I sit in front of him and he notices my presence. He shuts the book and I look at the title when he places it on the table. He was reading Alls well that ends well by Shakespeare. He sees me looking at the title and shifts uncomfortably in his seat making me smirk.

"I never knew you were a fan of this book" I taunt him
He just glowers at me with his stern expression and cold eyes.
"I was just reading it for the sake of literature. Its not one of my favourites"he states firmly with no smile.
I shrug my shoulders knowing he wasn't telling the truth. I can tell when he is being honest.
"Okay so we got paired in two projects and we need to......(sigh) work together to get good grades" I begin going straight to the point.

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