Chapter 12:

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Jake POV
I turned around to face Mark. He smiles and I return it hugging him at the same time. He chuckles and hugs me back. Ian glares at us with a smirk etched onto his face.

Mark and I break apart.
"I would never forget you Mark! You're so nice and friendly! Unlike someone I know" I say and send my gaze to Ian.
"You too Jake! It was nice working with you " Mark says and gives a smile.
"So lovely!" Ian coos and I frown earning a chuckle from him.
He takes his things and gets out of the kitchen giving me a wink.

"You know I really wanted to teach that clown a lesson!" I tell Mark and he chuckles
"All the same! Goodbye Mark" I say to him.
"Bye Jake" he says and exits the kitchen. I'll really miss him. I grabbed my clothes and changed into them. It was a white t shirt with dark jeans and a pair of white sneakers.
Then I left the kitchen. I was so tired and a bit angry because of Ian
"Jake! I was waiting for you!" My boss says and comes to my side.
"My wife said the cake is beautiful! Thank you so much!" He says
"Its my pleasure sir" I reply.
"Here's your payment" he says and hands me a huge bundle of cash.
I furrowed my eyebrows.
"This is huge boss" I tell him
"Its a special treat! Take it" he insists and I nod with a smile.
"Thanks boss" I say but he waves it off and says "you can stay for the party if you want"

I don't want to stay! I don't want to meet my dad! I'm not ready for that.
"I may not stay sir! I need to do some things at home" I lie.
"But I would have liked it if you stayed and celebrated with us" he protests.
"Madison wants to see you so badly!" He adds and I chuckle.

"Oh she's here" he announces and I see her. She looked beautiful in a pink mermaid gown. Her black hair was tied in a ponytail and she was wearing pink heels.
"Madison! This is the man who baked your cake" he says and points to me.
"Hi" she says and shakes my hand with a small smile. Her brown eyes boring into mine.
"Hi" I say to her.
"Thank you so much! The cake is beautiful! Just the way I wanted it" she says sweetly.
"My pleasure Madison! I hope you enjoy your birthday party" I reply sincerely and she smiles.
"Its almost twelve Madison! Let's go get ready to cut your cake" my boss says and we exit the house.

I looked around hoping to catch sight of my father and sneak away but he was no where in sight so I relaxed and watched Madison blow the candles after making her wish. Then her parents helped her cut it and there was a grand applause. I smiled. Happy birthday Madison. The waiters helped in sharing the cake and I was glad I didn't hear any complaint that the cake tasted bad or it wasn't cooked well.

"This cake is delicious" I hear a lady say to her friend as I passed behind them.
"I wonder how the chef baked it! Its so wonderful! To bake a cake in the form of high heels! And its so tasty" her friend adds and I smile.

I finally see my boss and my father go to a corner and sit and that made me know that he had just arrived.I was curious to hear their conversation so I went near and pressed my ears against the wall.
"This birthday party was fantastic! Well done friend! You made your daughter really proud of you" I hear my dad say.
"Yes! I will do anything for my daughter! She's a sweetheart" my boss replies.
"Have you tried the cake?" My boss asks.
"No! I haven't" my dad replies.
"Waiter! Please bring us some cake please" he says and I see the waiter walk swiftly to the platform.
Then he comes to pass again with two thick slices of cake on the plate. Then he comes to pass again.

"Try it" my boss urges and I hear my dad chuckle.
After sometime I hear my dad telling his friend the cake was tasty.
"Yes it is! Everyone is saying it!" My boss says.
"It tastes like the cakes my ex wife used to bake at home " my dad says and it melts my heart. He still remembered my mother.
"Really?"my boss asks him
" yes! Really! My two children always loved it! I miss them so much"
"Don't worry you'll find them someday" my boss consoles.
I continued to listen intrigued.
"So who prepared this delicious cake? I'm curious to know who" my dad spits.

"Its the new chef I employed in my restaurant! He's an excellent cook! He has made my sales increase and I make so much more than before! He is even the one who prepared the 150 cheeseburgers for you! And you even gave me money to tip him remember?" My dad tells.
"Yes I remember! What's his name? I wish I had heard about him earlier. I would have quickly employed him as my personal chef! But since you have already employed him, and he's making you gain much profit, there's no way you will release him to me even if i give you fifty thousand dollars right?" my dad says and they both burst out laughing. I swallow hard. But my feet are glued to the floor and I can't move.

"He has your surname but I don't think he's related to you! His name is Jake Winters" my boss says and I hear my dad cough.
"Are you okay? Did you choke on your cake?" My boss asks worriedly. I continue to eavesdrop.

"Here! Take this glass of water" I hear my boss says and soon my dad stopped coughing.
"So as I was saying, Jake Winters is the guy who's the excellent cook" my boss points out.
"Jake Winters! Jake Winters" my dad repeats and my boss asks what's wrong.

"He could be my son! My eldest son! The son I haven't seen for so many years now!" I hear my dad yell.
"Really? Your son had that name?" I hear my boss ask.
"Yes! Yes! It could be him! Get him for me! Please!!! I beg you! I need to see if he's my son! I missed him so much! Please get him!" My dad says desperately
"Waiter!......" I hear my boss say and I make a run.

I run as fast as I can in the direction of my car so that they wouldn't find me. I was ready to go when I hear a manly voice call my name. My heart jumped into my throat.
I didn't feel like turning around. I have been caught.
"Is it really you Jake?" The voice asks again and tears form in my eyes.
I turn around to face the owner of that voice. It was my dad alright! I wasn't prepared to face him! Why tonight?
He gasps when he sees my face. I have my jaws clenched and eyes narrowed at him. He was in a tuxedo and his grey hair was gelled. He had a beard and was holding a glass of wine.
"Oh my God! All these years! You've grown so big and tall. You look so much like you mother! Those grey eyes! And blond hair! You inherited it from her" he says but my face is still stern
"Am sorry sir! But I don't know what you are talking about" I reply coldly.
His face falls but he recovers.
"Look Jake! I'm your father! You are my son" he spits eagerly trying to get that idea into my head. I just stare at him
"You are my son" he says
"Look sir! I think you have got the wrong guy! I'm not your son" I state coldly again
"Jake please don't treat me this way! I still love you" he insists.
"I wouldn't want to be rude to you sir! But with all due respect leave me alone! I'm not your son" I state harshly and he gasps.
"Excuse me" I add and leave his presence with a heavy heart.
"Jake wait! I know you are angry at me! But lemme explain things to you" he says and I stop dead in my tracks but I don't face him
"I know I did wrong leaving you, your mom and Jessica but I came to look for you" he says and confusion sweeps through me. I breathe in heavily.

"Let's just go and sit somewhere and talk"he suggests.
I turn around. I wanted to listen to what he had to say but I didn't want to cry in front of him.
" didn't you hear me sir? I said you are not my dad! I have a dad who cares about me and didn't abandon me like you did to your son"I state again and walk towards my car.

"I know its you Jake! Stop denying that you're not my son! It hurts" he states and I look at him.
He looks sincere and hurt.
"Do you know what hurts the most? Growing up without you! But I'm okay without you! I don't need you anymore! Besides, we are all happy without you" I say to him and I could see tears brimmed in his brown irises.
I opened my car door.
"Jake! Don't go! Listen to me!" He pleads but I don't listen. I slam my car door and tears roll down my cheeks. I saw my boss come to his side but I don't watch what is happening. I just move my car out of the house.

I drove to my apartment. I parked my car and sat in feeling hurt. I wasn't ready for this! I knew I wasn't ready! I took out my salary for tonight and counted it. It was $ 1000. I was impressed but I couldn't show it because my heart was still heavy from what happened. I placed the money in my pocket. Then I got into my apartment and got a bottle of vodka. I opened it and tasted the hot liquid. The only way I'll feel better is to drink it away. I took a gulp remembering what happened. My heart ached. I took more of the drink

"I hate you dad!" I say aloud and ruffle my hair. I finished with the bottle and threw it. It lands on the floor and shatters into pieces. I stumble on the floor but get up and lie in a couch.

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