Chapter 32:

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Kimberly re - enters with two boxes of pizza in hand. She lays them on the table and bans everyone from touching them until she comes back from the kitchen

"Where did you get these pearls sugar?" Alec asks me unexpectedly holding my wrist. He was staring at them unaware of the people he was pissing off. Jake looked like he was going to explode any minute and Aaron was indignant.

" sister gave them to me " I say nervously.
"Nice! Am sure they're costly" He replies with a small smile.
"But I never knew you had a sister!" Alec spits.
"Oh yeah! I have one"
"Am sure she will be as beautiful as you" Alec says and I blush feeling butterflies in my stomach
"Or even more beautiful than you? What's her name?" He adds and I hit him with a pillow in the couch.

He chuckles at my reaction.
"My sister has someone else in mind Alec! So you better know your grounds" I whisper yell and he laughs.

"I just asked for her name Nikki" he spits amused.
I groan and he laughs.
"You can't have my sister and me at the same time" I blurt in a whisper and my eyes grow wide when I realise what I've said.

"Oops! Looks like someone's jealous" Alec taunts.
"I meant err....." I trail off and he smirks at me.
"Its all your fault you idiot! Getting me into this whole girlfriend mess" I whisper chide and punch him playfully on the arm.
He bursts out laughing and I frown.

"Oh my God Nikki"he blurts and laughs harder. I fold my arms across my chest.
He recovers and calms down.
" Its worth it Nikki! Enjoy it"he whispers in my ear and smirks at me. God I'm gonna kill him! He was being annoying but I still liked his jaunty character.

"Smile Nikki! I want to see those dimples" Alec coaxes and I don't look at him. I bite my lip to prevent me from smiling.

"Come on Nikki! Just one big smile" he says pleadingly

I stifle a giggle and maintain my frown.
"Pretty please" Alec begs

"Excuse me but if you two lovebirds cannot keep it down, please find a room in the house and go there" Melissa tells us with a smirk.

"Yeah, you're really pissing some people I know" Troy adds with a slight chuckle and I know he's talking about Jake and Aaron

"Sorry! We were just teasing each other" I apologise.
"Don't apologise Nikki! Its not a big deal" Alec says with any eye roll

"Melissa is just saying that to piss me off" he adds and glares at her.
She flips her red hair and smiles.

"I'm back" Kimberly announces and sets 10 cans of big blue drink on the table.

"Everyone is entitled to one" Claire says and that was when I heard a voice. It had some Canadian accent to it. It was nice though.

Everyone chuckles.
"Thanks Claire! I was about to say that" Kimberly says.

"Attack!" Troy announces and we all attack the drink taking one each.

"I didn't get some" Troy grumbles and we laugh.

"Looking for this?" Alec asks holding one extra can

"You cheated! You took two instead of one" Troy spits.

"Sorry dude! Next time be quick" Alec says.

"Can you please give it to me?" Troy pleads
"No Troy!" Alec states coldly.

"Oh come on Alec, give it to him" Kimberly pleads.

"Okay!  Here" he says and gives it to Troy. He smiles.
"Thanks Alec"

"Okay so the boys would take one box of pizza and the girls will have another box" Kimberly instructs.

"So here you go Aaron" she says and hands him one box of pizza. Then she hands me another one.

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