Chapter 8:

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I draw closer and place my hand on the brown bulldog. It tenses under my touch but its fur is soft.
"Where did you get the chicken thigh from?" I ask Jake quite amused. He notices my amusement and chuckles
"I bought it over there" he says pointing to a shop.
I smile. "Well it served a good purpose" I say and he chuckles.
I pat the dog even more. It lies on the grass.
"I wonder who owns this dog? " Jake says.
"Yeah! Strange to leave such an aggressive dog on its own" I say
"Well I guess most of the aggressiveness came from the hunger it was feeling and if I hadn't come earlier, it would have had you for supper" Jake taunts and I frown making him laugh.
"If it had had me for supper it would have been your fault. Where in the world did you choose to hide Mr Winters?" I yell back and he doubles over in laughter.

"I told you, you wouldn't find it easy finding me and you said you can find me! So what's the point?" He asks raising a brow at me with a smirk on his cute face.
"The point is, you could have hidden somewhere close cos you went too deep" I state.
He smiles.
"Well , according to the rules of the game, you can hide any where you want" he states. I roll my eyes.

"You found my dog!"someone yells and we raise our head to see a man. I presume he'll be around his forties. He was bald and he was quite tall. He was clad in white shorts and a dark blue polo shirt.
"Ummm yes sir" Jake says.
"Oh am so sorry! Am sure he gave you a hard time" the man says
"Well he did give me a hard time" I point out
"But he's cool" I add.
"Thanks for finding him! I was very worried." The man says.
"You're welcome" Jake says and hands over the dog to the man. The man waves and leaves with the dog.

I watch as they disappear into a cluster of trees.
"Its 6pm. We better get going" Jake alerts.
I yawn. "Yeah"
We bought some ice cream and ate it.
The sun had already set and the sky was growing dark. Jake and I walk back.
"So did you like this stroll?" Jake asks with a smile.
"Well yeah! Except for the dog thing but so far it went well"
Jake sniggers.
"Am glad you liked it" he says as we reach the front door of my house.
"Thanks for saving my life Jake" I say.
He smiles. "Its okay" he says simply.
"Can I have your number?" Jake asks looking at the ground whiles rubbing his feet on the grass.
"Sure" I say and he hands me his phone. It was a cool phone. I dialed my number into it and handed it back to him.

"Well Goodbye" he says and I enter my house.
I spot Trina in the hall and I heard the aroma of baked cookies. Its obvious mom is in the kitchen
Trina sees me and she has a huge grin plastered on her face. I know she has a thousand and one questions to ask me. My sister can talk more than a radio! I know her so well.

"So where have you been?" Trina says in her sweet curious tone. She's started.
I  strode towards a couch and sat in it. Trina's grin doesn't falter from her face.
"I went out with Jake" I simply state.
Trina's eyes widen and she shrieks. I shush her.
"Where did you go to?" She asks. Curiosity was burning in her eyes and she was bustling with excitement.
"To the park. We were just taking a stroll" I state again
Trina makes a face.
"But Nicole! You hate strolls! The last time you went on one was like years or so" Trina states
"Yeah I know. But I decided to try" I say.
Trina laughs.
"So how did it go?" She asks in a bubbly tone.

I narrate everything that happened at the park excluding Jake's life story.
"I can't believe it! He actually saved you from that bulldog?" Trina yells quite ecstatic

"Which bulldog?" Mom says and I notice she's back from the kitchen holding a bowl of freshly baked gingerbread and chocolate cookies.
"Ummm Nicole was attacked by a bull dog" Trina explains and mom's eyes widen. She drops the bowl and the dining hall table and scurries to my side touching my hands, cheeks and neck.
"Are you okay sweetheart? Did it bite you? I would have to take you to the doctor for an injection. I don't want you to get rabies" she says with worry brimmed in her brown irises.

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