Chapter 62:

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"Come on! I've literally watched most of the spiderman episodes with you! I would say maybe 50% of them! Let's watch something else please?" I plead with Aaron who wants us to watch another spiderman episode for the night.

"Okay! What do you want us to watch?" Aaron asks sighing  defeated.
I scoot closer to him and look through the DVD's.
"What about a comedy? Its a long time I watched those kinds of movies" I ask him contemplating whether to choose Johnny English or Naked.
"Anything will do Nikki" Aaron shrugs. I finally chose Naked and Aaron inserted it into the DVD player.

I sat in my bed wearing my polka dotted pyjamas and tied my hair up in a messy bun. Aaron climbs onto my bed and sits beside me. He gets under the covers.

"Do you think Tigress will show up this Halloween?" Aaron asks me looking straight at the TV. The movie was about to start.
"Maybe" I say with a shrug
"She usually comes every Halloween"

"Have you heard from her recently?" Aaron asks pursing his lips.
"No. I haven't heard from her since the day she went insane and gave us that Tearing the records book apart episode" I reply and Aaron chuckles.

"Do we have a new records book?" He asks me.
I sigh."I dunno! But I am sure Troy hasn't gotten us a new one yet."
"Then we better prepare for the Tigress tearing us apart episode on Halloween cause she would definitely want to see our new scores in our new book" Aaron half jokes and I chuckle.

"I don't care if she swallows us alive" I reply with a snort.
Aaron chuckles.
"I miss this moment so much. Me, you on the same bed together? Watching movies" he says biting his lip and looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Yeah! I do too" I reply honestly.
"You have something on your lips" he spits and I frown.
"What?" I ask.
"I'll get it" he says and touches my lip removing whatever it is.  He holds it up for me to see. It was just a thread. I blush. Why was he looking at my lips in the first place?

"Thank you" I say gratefully with a smile.
"You are welcome"
After an awkward silence, we decided to concentrate on the movie which was so hilarious until we both fell asleep.

My alarm goes off and I shut it down annoyed. It always disturbs my beauty sleep. I look to my side and Aaron is sleeping. His hands were around my tiny waist and my head was on his chest. I brushed some strands of hair from his face.

I guess he was such a heavy sleeper cause my annoying alarm which cries like a dying horse couldn't even wake him. I carefully remove his hand from my waist and quickly go to the bathroom to take a shower remembering last night's movie. I feel much better and happier when Aaron is around. He kind of lifts up my bad mood.

"Nikki! Are you there?" I hear Aaron ask behind the door of the bathroom
"Yes I am" I screech praying he wouldn't open the door.
"Alright! Should I join you?" He asks with a chuckle.
"No!" I yell at him and I hear him laugh. It reminded me of what happened between Alec and I on this shower sharing thing. Kind of like a deja vu situation.

I quickly take my bath and get back into my room in my bathrobe. Aaron was sprawled in my bed looking at me with his green irises.
"I thought you were fast asleep when I left" I ask him surprised he just woke up.
"Even my alarm didn't wake you"

"I was asleep! But then I knew I was missing something because I couldn't feel you and you scent so I woke up and realised you were gone" Aaron elaborates

"Hmmm....interesting" I reply
"You can go and take a shower now" I tell him with a smile
He chuckles
"I wanted to share the shower with you" he whines
"That is not possible" I tell him whiles I fix my hair up in the mirror

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