Chapter 21:

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The moment I open my eyes, I see my screen flash. Today's Tuesday! I got up and stretched.
I looked on my phone and it recorded a message from Jake.
I looked at it.
*Good morning beautiful! Thanks for the info yesterday! I'm at home today! No school! You can come visit*
I smile.
* I will see* I reply and drop my phone on the bed.
I quickly left to Trina's room.

"Good morning sister" I say to her.
She was already in front of her dresser.
"Morning Nicole" she says and I comb her hair. I made her hair straight today and tied  it in a ponytail with a blue ribbon.

I got her mascara wand and applied it on her eyelashes and lip gloss on her lips.
Then I went straight for her closet.
I pick up a pair of black and white keds, a black blouse and a pair of blue denim jeans.
I handed them to her.
"I like them" Trina compliments.
She puts them on.
"Oh my gosh! You look hot" I blurt when she was done.
"Mason is going to die today" I add and Trina laughs.

"Wait!" I say and grab a blue bracelet from the dresser.
"Put this on" I say and hand it to her. She puts it on.
" Nice Trina nice"I say impressed with the way I've styled her up.
"Thanks Nicole! I've gotta go" she says and grabs her black satchel. She blows me a kiss and leaves.

I go to my own room. The house is quiet. Everyone is gone. I think about visiting Jake.
I take a quick shower and get dressed in a white top, blue jeans and black boots. I apply a little lip gloss and comb my hair. It was straight and I let it run down my back.

Then I looked at my reflection in the mirror for the last time and left the house. I took a cab and got to Jake's apartment. I felt my stomach grumble. I was hungry. I hadn't eaten.
I took an elevator to the fourth floor where his apartment was situated. I knocked lightly on  the door.
I felt a pit of fire in my stomach. I regret for coming! I should have stayed at  home instead.
The door opens and he stands at the doorway looking breathtakingly handsome in just a white tee shirt and an apron. His hair was ruffled.

His grey eyes light up when he sees me.
"Nikki" he says surprised.
"Hello! Can I come in?" I say
"Sure" he says and I enter.
He was cooking something. The place smelt like it.

"Make yourself comfortable" he says and dashes into the kitchen.
He was watching a movie. It looked like star wars.
I spot many pictures on a table. I looked at them. One had him and two other ladies. I supposed those were Jessica and his mom. His mom had blond hair and grey eyes and Jessica had blond hair too but brown eyes instead. They were both pretty.

I saw another picture. It had Jake and his sister riding their bikes. His was red and his sister's bike was violet.
Another picture was of him and a girl with brown hair. She had green eyes and dimples. He was planting a kiss on her cheek. I wondered.

"What are you doing?" Jake says and I quickly let go of the pictures.
"I was errr" I start nervously.
"You were going through my pictures! Who gave you the right?" He yells.
"It just caught my eyes! Besides, its not a big deal! Its just you, your mom and Jessica!" He huffs and makes his way towards me. He takes the pictures on the table.
"Never go through my stuff without my permission" he warns.
I swallow hard and nod. He looks dangerous somehow.
He quickly leaves with the pictures.
"Wait Jake!" I say and he stops dead in his tracks without looking at me.
"Who's the girl with the brown hair and green eyes in the picture?" I ask. I really wanted to know who she was.
He sighs deeply and looks at that picture. Then he leaves without answering me.

I slump in one of the couches. I think I got him angry. He comes back into the room and sits in another couch.
"Is that Jessica?" I ask.
He shakes his head.
"No! Jessica is a blonde. She was in the other two pictures. The one with my mom and the one of us riding bikes" He answers coldly.

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