Chapter 46:

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Nicole POV:
We are currently at home and Trina is locked up in her bedroom not wanting to see anybody. Mom and dad have given up and I'm still glued behind the door urging her to open up.
"Trina please open the door" I yell behind.
No answer.
"Trina!" I yell and she doesn't answer. I'm afraid she will commit suicide.

"Open up you nosy creature" I say taunting her but she doesn't open.
I sigh. There is no way she's gonna open this door.
I trudge to my room and shut the door. My phone dings and there are many messages from my friends.

Kimberly: I heard. So sorry about that. Is Trina okay?

Aaron: how is Trina? Is she alright?

Danny: I warned you Nikki. But all the same, how is Trina?

Jenna: is Trina alright? I hope nothing bad happened! We are so sorry

Troy: I hope Trina is fine. I am to blame for what happened. I should have protected her.

Claire: I heard about Trina! I'm so sorry dear. Is she better now?

Melissa: I'm sorry about your sister. I hope she's fine.....

Alec: do you want me to come over?

Jake: how is Trina?

Jake's message surprised me the most but I answered anyway.
I replied all of them telling them she is depressed right now and needs some time alone. I told Alec not to come over and lay in bed miserable.
I stared at the bracelet she gave to me some weeks ago.  I deflate.

When it struck twelve noon, I left my bedroom to Trina's own. It was still shut with a no disturbance sign on it.
Mom walks towards me with a tray. There was  cannelloni in a plate on it together with a glass of water.

"She didn't open?" Mom asks.
"I haven't tried yet"
Mom sighs and knocks gently on the door.
"Trina! I prepared your  favourite meal. Please open the door" mom states but there is no answer.

An idea forms in my head and I rush to the backyard. Thankfully, Trina's window was open. With all my might, I climbed the wall and infiltrated into her room through the window. Her room was vacant but I heard sobs in the bathroom.

I quickly head there and I am shocked.
"Oh my God Trina! What are you doing?" I yell and snatch the knife from  her hands.
She was about to stab herself. She continues to sob and I successfully drag her into her room. I sit her on the bed and open the door for mom.

"How did you get in  here Nicole?" Mom asks and I shrug.
She sets the tray on Trina's cabinet and kneels in front of her. She wipes her tears.

"Don't cry hun! I know you are depressed but please be strong" mom tells her.

Trina sobs harder.
"Nicole! Can you please leave us alone for a moment?" Mom asks and I nod leaving the two of them in the room and shutting the door behind me.

"I called a therapist. I hope they will be able to cure Trina's depression" Dad says unexpectedly with a concerned look on his face.

"I'm so sorry dad! This is all my fault" I apologise and he hugs me.

"Its okay sweetheart" dad tells me and brushes my hair.

Its Monday again and I still feel bad. I hope Trina has recovered now. I need to drop her off at school.

I knocked on her door nervously. She opens it and she still looks the same. Dull and unexciting. I noticed her hair has become much shorter now. It was only neck length.

"I'm not going to school today" she says simply.
I sigh. I understand. She cannot stand the stigma. Its a fresh case.
"I'll see you after school" I say softly to her and leave.

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