590 17 25

Saturday, December 9, 2017

My fingers instantly tap on the black tiles, the speed increases with the melody, and my teeth harshly bite my bottom lip as I try to beat the record of the game. The pressure raises, the level goes up and the tiles are speedily dancing on the screen of my phone.

"Mmmmmm..."  A faint mumble echoes in the room and I try to look down to him but his head rests over my shoulder so I can't really move "...ggmmmm..." he grunts again and it's enough for him to regain a bit of consciousness. Using me as a pillow, his right hand clenches on the fleece fabric of my hoodie and he snuggles more

I let my body stiff to let him awake at his time so I dart my eyes back again to the paused game which I resume. The melody faintly comes out into my earphones and I keep laying trying to beat my record. Peter is minutes into fully waking up, he does this thing with his fingers, when he moves them more it's when he's starting to notice where he is and he's doing it right now. His fingers softly clench and unclench from my pyjama and he snuggles deeper and then he slightly pulls apart.

"..uuuh... what..." a set of incoherent mumbles escape his lips as he moves his head away from my shoulder and it lands on the other pillow next to me. I lock my phone and slowly pull my earphones away and place both on the nightstand to observe how he wakes up. Peter doesn't take long to roll to his back and to stretch his arms above his head and let out a yawn. One of his stretch legs touch mine and his head slowly rolls on the pillow as he blinks at me.

I only flash him a peace sign as I jerk my head in a greeting.

Peter closes his eyes for some seconds, then opens them again and starts getting the image in front of him. His eyelids are now half-open as he licks his lips "Uh..." he mutters

"Uh to you too, snooze bug"  I whisper back

He quickly rubs his tired eyes with the insides of his palms, I guess in an attempt of shedding the sleep from his face but he fails, the drowsy look remains "Uh...." he repeats and stretches again "Hi..."


"Why sometimes you sleep better... in a hotel than in your own bed?" he speaks up with a somnolent voice

"Oh, I see you want to philosophise early in the morning..."

Peter rolls to his left side to face me and he places both of his hands under the pillow "Is it really that early?"


"Oh noooo!" he grunts and burrows his face on the pillow letting me see how messy his brow hair on the back of his head is "Why I have to wake up so early on a Saturday?"

"You're full of enthralling questions today, Parker"

"Yeah, I know" his voice gets stifled with the pillow

"I was thinking we can go to the McDonalds near here... you can have that breakfast McMuffin"

"It's the sausage McMuffin with egg..." he keeps his head burrowed "English muffin, American cheese, egg, sausage patty and butter..."

"Yeah! All the good stuff" I giggle snuggling for a bit in the warmth of my side "So, yes?"


"Oh, but you just talked wonders of that McMuffin, I bet your eyes lit up"

Peter slowly pushes himself from the pillow and rests his weight on his forearms "I think it could be good to have it for dinner"

"Aren't you a revolutionary... a breakfast McMuffin for dinner, I love it. Yeah, if you want to"

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐞𝐛 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ⟿ Peter Parker FanficWhere stories live. Discover now