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Saturday, October 7, 2017

"Try not to pull the trigger too abruptly"


"Jerking exactly at the instant you fire... the shot will be directed where it wasn't intended"

"Got it"

"Did he tell you what type of gun you're gonna use?"

I look up from my notebook and remember "...uh, no... but I don't think he's going to give me something too big"

"Smaller the gun then, your arms should be as extended as possible"

"...as extended as possible..." I repeat scribbling the tips "Yep, thanks Bucky"

"We're not done Little Stowaway... you need to bend your legs, your weight needs to be used to counteract the kick of the gun, sight alignment needs to be covered... it's shooting a gun"

I huff "I don't see the point of this... Peter and I have other ways of defending ourselves"

"Peter is the spider boy?" he asks confused

"Spider-Man... yeah, that's him" I shift in my chair bringing my feet to the carpet

"You've been mentioning him a lot..." he mutters

"Oh... uh... he's worth mentioning....?" I end with a little smirk

"I know what you mean... got myself some dames back on the 30's"

"Charming" I reply as I quickly earn a snort from him

"Anyway.... uh, remember to check the barrel length. The longer it is, the kick is gonna be stronger"

"Thanks, Bucky, I'm sorry I asked you... is that I'm sure Nat will be cursing at my dad and Steve will be panicking because I'm going to hold a gun..."

"s' ok... I get it. Say hello to the Spider boy"

I roll my eyes even if he can't see it "It's Spider-Man"

"Yeah, just wanna annoy you" he chuckles through the line

"Great, and remember... a goat is defenseless... don't be afraid" I mock

"Hey! that's not what happened!!"

"Yeah, just wanna annoy you..." I repeat with more laughs "...talk to you later"

"Uhum, tell me how it went. Bye"

The line ends with static as I make my way to the closet to save the transmitter, I check the time, 11:35 am and just like if I summoned it, a message notification from Peter, telling me that he's walking to the Facility. I quickly open my door and brush my clothes as I stroll to the main doors. Once I place my palm on the bio-reader and the air of the common cloudy day gets inside, which is not my main concern because a black body appears from the curve of one of the many paths in the Facility. Black pants, his favorite nowadays, a training t-shirt of the same color that contrasts with the paleness of his skin. Good lord, there's not a single day where I don't admire this boy. 

"You're.... quite prepared, huh?" I wave my hand at his clothes

He jogs on the stairs and wheezes when he strolls to me "We're busy today... hello...." he approaches with a timid smile

I extend my arms to embrace him from his neck to bring him to me. He puckers his lips as the small delicate pressure forms quickly against mine. My nose hits his cheek as I deepen it a little bit more and engulf in the mint taste of his mouth.

"Heh.... uh..." he pulls away with a lick on his lips "...what if your... uh, Mr. Stark is seeing or..."

I wrinkle my face in a flash "Please, he knows that couples kiss" I spin walking to the doors and step inside again "If he still perceives us as 'lab buddies' then... he's naive"

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐞𝐛 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ⟿ Peter Parker FanficWhere stories live. Discover now