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"Yes, come, there's a trapdoor here!" I jerk my hand for him to jump to the roof

With a flip, he's beside me and walks to a trapdoor "Cool, okay" He opens it and shoots a web and then opens his arm for me to embrace him. I do it and we start slowly descending  " uh, just forgot you could fly" he laughs 

"Yeah, for a moment I forgot that too..."

We land inside a room filled with computers and gadgets. I stride to the monitors that are showing the Tower and then, oh this fucker... blueprints of my dad's plane.

We look around and in the middle, we spot the metal wings. Peter nudges me and points to the dim hallway behind the room so we start tiptoeing deeper inside. We get to the end of it and turn to the right, Peter motions me to get closer. It's a huge empty floor but just a small light on a desk tells us that fricking Mr. Toomes is there. We walk faster.

"HEY!......Surprised?" Peter yells striding to him, each step heavier and full of determination

I only stride there feeling how my stomach tightens and my blood feels hotter. Mr. Toomes turns around stopping whatever he's doing and he smirks to us

"Oh, hey, Pete and lady...I didn't hear you come in"

"It's over. We got you!" Peter remarks

Toomes ignores Peter and points at me "Care to tell me your name?" 

"You call me Quantum" I shout and he shakes his head

"your real name!" he orders

I shrug "Not in the mood, sorry" 

A sneer chuckle escapes his lips "You know, I gotta tell you, kids...I really, really admire your grits..... I see why Liz likes you. I do. When you first came to the house, I wasn't sure. I thought, "Really?" But I get it now" he mentions putting on his jacket

Peter stops "How could you do this to her?"

I walk further and also stop, my palms emitting a faint glow prepared to attack

"To her? I'm not doing anything to her, Pete. I'm doing this for her" he explains and suddenly Peter skeptically huffs not believing a word, he shoots a web to Toomes's hand gluing it against the desk "...Guys... you're young. You don't understand how the world is... you have a dad right, hon? doesn't he want the best for you?"

"Well,  the best for everyone is not selling weapons to criminals..." I mutter under my breath

"Peter, how do you think your buddy Stark paid for that tower? Or any of his little toys? Those people, Pete, those people up there, the rich and the powerful, they do whatever they want..." he starts explaining but I cut him off

"You don't know shit about him!!- I raise my voice blood boiling inside and he tilts his head fed up 

He stares at us "Guys like us, they don't care about us. We build their roads and we fight all their wars and everything, but they don't care about us. We have to pick up after 'em. We have to eat their table scraps. That's how it is. I know you know what I'm talking about"

"Why are you telling us this?" Peter questions

"Because I want you to understand. And... I needed a little time to get her airborne" he takes out a knife from his pocket

I look back at the sound of an engine. The wall explodes with a piercing BOOM and the wings fly exactly towards us, well, towards Peter so with a force field I shove him away and he flips and webs himself to the ceiling. The wings start spiraling all over the place I fly as high as possible to avoid them. I start aiming my beams to turn the wings into dust but Peter starts flipping over and over away from the wings. I can't risk it to turn him into dust.

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐞𝐛 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ⟿ Peter Parker FanficWhere stories live. Discover now