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Friday, October 6, 2017

"Where was the last case of smallpox reported?"

"...do you think that tale is my color? I was thinking about a heart-shaped neckline" Sally twists a strand of her hair

"I like tale. What about something sequin-ish?" Cindy replies, scrolling down her phone

"What about pajamas? more comfortable" MJ adds by my side

"Where was the last case of smallpox reported...?"

I turn to look at MJ and nod "I second that motion"

She smirks in return until Mr. Harrington appears in front of us

"Girls, I know is Friday but it's one of our final rehearsals..."

"The fourth before the nationals though..." MJ corrects

He purses his lips and spins to the guys on the stage "Guys... some help here?"

Peter touches Abe's Nintendo and sighs "Told you to choose Wario... uh? what?"

"Help" Mr. Harrington throws his arms to the air "In one week we are leaving to the land of Chesapeake blue crabs!" 

"Iugh" a collective mumble comes from everyone

"It's Somalia..." I answer "...the last place where smallpox was reported"

"Thank you, Tannie! ok, twenty more minutes guys and you'll be free to go. Oh! and before I forget... take one permission letter and make your parents sign it"

All of us begin to stroll to one wooden table with enough permission letters for the whole school and I fold it and place it inside my backpack.

"And... you are my guys so... come here, I have a great surprise for you... call it a little incentive"

Now everyone moves closer to the stage with tedious faces.

"The Tim Tam's you gave us last month caused me the worst stomachache ever" Abe twists his lips

"I told you, my wife told me they were good... ok! well... I talked with Principal Morita about lifting your class's spirits"

"Oh my God, are you letting us go to a night club?!" Flash chirps putting down his phone

"Nice try but no, Flash... it's a school trip!"

"...Owwww...."        "That's amazing!!!"

I'm the only one who claps and jumps in my place, a smile making my cheeks stiff while the others limit themselves to hum in boredom.

"Heyyy!! we have a positive person here!" Mr. Harrington nods in agreement "Come on, guys... you are in Junior year which means you are this close to go to amazing colleges and change the world. But before that, you need some fun!!"

Cindy chortles "And with fun you mean...?"

"Uh, here it comes... this is gonna be great..."

All of us stare at him, my eyes traveling quickly to Peter who shakes his head looking at my quivering lips were a loud laugh is threatening to escape. So I bite my tongue and stare back at Harrington.


"Oh! that's cool" MJ adds

"At least we are going to the one in Manhattan, right?"Flash quickly asks

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐞𝐛 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ⟿ Peter Parker FanficWhere stories live. Discover now