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"Uh, here... two tickets"

"Thanks! Please register yourself here" Ally King pushes a huge book towards me as I take the pen and flip the pages

"Sure, why we hav-... oh! I get it! Clever.... Peter" I turn to see him waiting with his hands on his pockets "Come, look at this... we are registering ourselves in a manifest of in-bound passenger list. Just like the old times" I chuckle and start scribbling our names on the vintage textured sheet as I hear Peter's soft snort behind "I'm gonna put that we are Irish and married... hey! someone put their names like Jack and Rose Dawson... this is so cool"

"Are you sure you didn't have some sort of punch before we came here?"

Ally in front of me silently giggles at out interaction and I kindly hand her the book and the pen. She mutters a 'Welcome aboard!' and I nudge Peter "I had Kool-aid, grape-flavored... this is exciting! We're going to dance until we freeze to death!!"

Peter opens his mouth to talk but quickly closes it with pinched lips "If you say so, Stark" he pushes the gym doors and the blasting music, Katy perry's voice, pops inside and people drag the others to the dance floor while some others patiently wait near high top tables covered in blue tablecloths. A long cardboard which takes from wall to wall that has silver handwriting that says 'WHITE STAR LINE'.

"Indeed, welcome aboard..." I mutter spinning in my heels to notice the whole decor of the room

White stars paper lanterns hanging from the ceiling and I remember them from the last Homecoming, above there are festoons of fairy lights that join all the way to the middle of the dancefloor and the disco ball twinkling with the light. Blue, almost black fabric that hides the white walls of the gym, red and white lifesavers attached to the bleachers, the silhouette of the Titanic pasted behind where the DJ is and white rails that surround the dance floor as if we were really on a ship.

"Well, the Drama department really exceeded their expectations" Peter joins my left as he holds my hand and starts leading me to where the tables are

We brush past many other people, I spot some familiar faces as they talk with their respective dates or friends or whatever they are. I see MJ's head and by her side is Ned and.... holy shit that's Betty... 

"Hey!" I quickly wave at all of them

"Hey again" MJ mutters

"Tannieeeeeee..." a strained voice comes from Ned's, clenching his teeth with the most notorious 'Help me'  face in existence "Bro...!"

I detach from Peter's hand and take the spare space next to MJ and see Betty leaning on the table with a polite smile at us 

"Uh, Betty, this is awesome. Really" I start and point to the whole room 

"Oh, you really liked it? That's great! My first year as the coordinator of the whole dance stuff..."

"You did it great" I quickly add

"Yeah, impressive. I feel like at some point an iceberg is going to appear and boom...!" MJ chortles with her own sentence as everyone in the table softly chuckles

"What you think, Ned?" I avert my eyes to him and his jaw tries to go slack but he clears his throat

"Oh, uh... ah.... If truth be told I'll say that... you are... a, uh, great wommmcoordinator, Betty!"

She shakes her head with the weird compliment and touches his shoulder and yes, he's still alive

"Oww, thanks, Ned! I'll be seeing if everything is in order okay? Check on you all later!!" she's gone to the other tables as Ned bites his lip spinning to us

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐞𝐛 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ⟿ Peter Parker FanficWhere stories live. Discover now