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sitting on the floor waiting for my dad to get out, waiting for some answers, thinking about what he's there where Peter Parker lives...

"Yeah, I know my way out" my dad's voice rings in the hall and I hear the door creaking "Thanks for that walnut date loaf May! Peter needs to talk to you about an excursion coming up!" I see through a corner that my dad closes the door. What I do know? should I follow him? or should I knock on Peter's door...

As soon as he enters the lift, I take out my phone and call Happy.

"Hap, hey...where are you?"

"In the tower now, security stuff"

I sigh not taking my eyes from the door "Well, just wanted to tell you I'm just arriving at the house, safe and sound. Subway delayed but I'm here in my room"

"Oh god, that's great, do not tell your mom about this ok? I can deal with Tony"

"Of course, I'm going to eat something and just do homework, have fun" I end the call and step in front of the apartment debating whether to knock or not

But I do knock. Instinctively I knock. 

And feel panic running in my veins. What should I tell him? I need to think of an excuse quickly. But I'm startled when the door opens revealing the same woman I saw. Wavy hair with soft highlights, white blouse and she's young.

"Hello!" She flashes her pearly teeth at me

"He-Hey, I'm Tannie and I'm looking for Peter Parker uh ... I... need his help with a tech situation" I smile at her, she seems nice

"Oh of course dear, come in. I'm May, Peter's aunt" She crooks her hand for me to step in  "Is Peter waiting for you?"

I rub my hands nervously  "Yes! he... is" 

"Perfect, I'm preparing some salad if you want to... want something to drink?" she walks to the kitchen and quickly scans the area "Oh! I know what you'll love, I prepared some walnut date loaf, pretty good recommendations" she winks at me in the kitchen 

I nod "Yes please, you're very kind" I smile at her and she offers me a plate with a piece of loaf

She gently pushes me in front of the hall "C' mere... that's his door" she points out

I mouth a soft 'thank you' and proceed to step further. Quickly opening the door. The first thing I catch a glimpse of is his very messy desk. I slide myself inside and shut the door behind me. He absentmindedly looks up sitting in his chair and he almost falls.

"Ta...Tannie! what are you doing here?" he clears his throat trying to stop his wobbly voice

"I need help with a project and I asked Ned for your address...I hope that's ok..." I innocently shrug as he stands up walking in front of me

"O-ooh yeah sure!" he rubs his hands in his pants and quickly spins to awkwardly organize the chaotic blankets in his twin bed "...please take a sit, sorry it's a little messy hehe"

I snort and stride to perch myself on the edge of the bed "It's ok... nice house, your aunt is friendly and young..." I bring the small piece of food to my mouth

"Maybe you shouldn't eat that" he points at the loaf in my mouth  "She's not the best cook" he breathily laughs and the bitter taste actually confirms it but I painfully swallow it  "So... uh, what do you need help with?" he shifts in his chair 

"Oh yeah" I take my backpack and open it, taking a notebook 

It's now or never

"I'm stuck in this question you see... what was my dad doing here?" I dart my eyes to his contracted pupils and unblinking eyes

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐞𝐛 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ⟿ Peter Parker FanficWhere stories live. Discover now