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"No, really. It's ok"

"Are you sure? Like.... 101% sure?"

"I'll raise you that to 200% sure"

"...I'm really sorry"

"Come on, it's ok. He needs you right now, moral support. I get it"

"Okay, thanks for understanding, Q.T. Please don't watch the new episodes without me..."

"You're asking a lot of me but ok, promise... Season two of The Good Place will wait"

"Thank you again, anyway, keep sending me texts and memes as always. I love you"

"And I love you too"

"No, I really really love you so so much. I wish you could feel what I feel... call you when he leaves"

I was supposed to reply with a longer sentence to his beautiful confession but the words were stuck in my throat the moment I heard his voice describing the immensity of his love to me. He ends the call, leaving me there staring at the screen not really reading the words or paying attention at all. I feel how my mouth contracts into a smile, call it sloppy for all I care... 

The scene replays in my mind for the millionth time these last hours, 34 hours to be precise.

How after I said what I said he only smiled so brightly at me, how he blinked making his eyes naturally shine. It was the pure face of love. A face I've been so lucky to see and he only flashes it at me whenever we are together but this time, back at the destroyed fort, it was a thousand times dazzling. 

I can describe it as an intensity within me. Knowing that I said that he could just... take off my shirt and it felt so natural for me to think and say it which is surprising because I always thought that I'll say it between high-pitched giggles or barely audible words but the thing is that I didn't do that and it felt good to be comfortable, mentally, emotionally, and physically while saying those words. Personally, I'll take that as a big step in my own self and in the relationship. I like how there was no unsureness and how there's no unsureness now.

And I like how he wasn't edgy about it because while having that drowsy face of love he pulled me to his chest and gave me a kiss on my head. He didn't take my shirt off, his hands stood there on my bare lower back and that's how we doze off and that's how we woke up. Me, still hugging him on top, although my legs and arms were already flax and he was there under me with one hand scarcely brushing my back and the other stretched on the floor by his side. I was the first to wake up and he followed minutes later, greeting me with a yawn and a light squeeze. What happened in the early morning, at 2 am, was never spoken but it wasn't because we were uncomfortable. We just knew it was ok.

He left at eleven-thirty am not before being so kind to help me fold the duvets and place the pillows on top of my bed. That morning I kept going back and forth to keep the stuff I used away, washing the breakfast dishes and pouring the leftover candies into plastic containers. We talked throughout the day, May never suspected that Peter wasn't in his room and my mom was as clueless as her... what to say about my dad, he woke up at two pm begging me to please cook solid food for him. Yesterday, Saturday was the laziest and slowest day ever but eh...

Now, Sunday morning. I woke up with a list of notifications on my screen. Peter's texts. The first one as always: a good morning text with a heart emoji and the others were for me to call him when I woke up. I took my time to fully wake up, I had to put something on my stomach to entirely function. At eleven am while eating the last pieces of food, that's when I call him. He went off the tangent for a moment but then shyly asked me to move our Sunday get-together to another day because Ned was panicking for tomorrow's study thing with Betty and he begged Peter to be with him to soothe his anxiety. So now I'm here staring at the new season of The Good Place and not being able to watch it, it hurts.

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