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They guide my dad to lay on the couch. My mom desperately rips his shirt only to reveal a big bruise already forming all over his arc reactor. Tiny fragments of glass encrusted around his chest. He comes like this all the way from Siberia?

My dad winces in pain "Happy, in my office ugh... there's a suitcase beside a leafblower. Please bring it... take your time..."

Happy rapidly nods and walks to the hall but spins to us "Why you have a leafblower in your office, Tony... that's weird" after his statement he runs away

I kneel beside him trying to comfort him if that's even possible.

"Tony... what happened?" my mom removes his damp hair from his forehead

He closes his eyes at the touch of my mom's hand "umm, let's just say that Captain America and Iron Man have big differences" 

"Steve did this?" I whisper pointing my eyes to his bloody chest

He nods avoiding my stare. Steve.... did this? Why? What truly happened in Siberia?

My eyes start filling with tears. I rapidly blink trying not to even sniff at his presence. When Happy returns my dad manages to stand upright still a little hunched forward. My mom and Happy perch on the couch next to him and I don't move from the floor analyzing how he starts fixing the broken arc reactor, its glow fading but then glimmering, it's glitching and that's not good.

"What happened Tony?" A plummy voice appears from nowhere and Vision's body passes through the wall toward us

"Cap went a little too far" he clears his throat not looking at him "Care to help, Vis?"

"Oh no, I think I already helped enough with James..." his synthetic pupils contracting

"Don't...just don't" my dad huffs pushing the screwdriver aside "That stone you have there has power enough to help initiate my arc reactor"

"You saw what happened Tony" Vision argues 

"You told me you were distracted I get it, but now you re all alone here and I need you... T... please" he signals me to help him stand

I hurriedly support his weight in my body and I spin to look at Vision

"Vision... please..." I whisper and his synthetic pupils now expand and he sighs

"Distractions are off the table, champ" my dad hisses

We stumble all the way to the middle of the living room. My mom quickly supporting him from the other side while Happy holds his back. Vision flies in front of us. A loud noise erupts from his forehead and the stone emits blinding yellow beams that quickly hits his arc reactor. My dad squeals but all of us support his body. It's only seconds until the room is dim again and my dad's chest falls with a deep and long sigh coming out of his while he pats his arc reactor.

"Fresh as a Daisy...!" He smiles striding to shake hands with Vision who nods at us and quietly flies away "Now I'm going to work" he tries to walk to the lab but my mom stops him

My mom jumps to block his way, wide piercing eyes glaring at him "Uh-uh Tony, you almost die, again! you need to rest!" her face burning in worry

He stretches his arms to his feet and softly grunts "But I'm fine! see?"

My mom grunts harder and rubs her head "You are so much like your daughter"

My dad turns to me and smirks "Should we tell her that there's a book of genetics in the library?" he spins to my mom "You should give it a try!"

My mom slaps his chest and he chuckles, limping a bit while he disappears on the hall that leads to the labs. Happy hugs us goodbye and I check the time. It's late so I kiss her goodnight and stroll to my room. Already at my bed, I do a final scroll at the recent news. I gnaw my lip staring at the contact name, debating if he's still awake or not but I tap it anyway. 

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐞𝐛 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ⟿ Peter Parker FanficWhere stories live. Discover now